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Mrs. Tuesca’s Third Grade Class 2018-2019
Welcome, parents!
Welcome to Third Grade! If you have any questions during my presentation, please feel free to ask.
All About Me UCF Florida native Lost Lake Elementary My Family
9th year My Family Children Cesar (23) Cyrus (17) Ciera (15) Heisman All About Me
Attendance/Tardy 8:00- students can come onto campus and can enter into our classroom to start their morning work. If your child comes in the room after 8:25, he/she will be counted tardy. Absent: your child must have a note written (separate from agenda). These notes get turned into the office. Each note must have: child’s full name, teacher’s name, date & parent signature. Pre-arranged absence: Must be turned in at least 5 days in advance.
Classroom Grading Scale
= EXCELLENT! = Above Average = Average = Below Average = Insufficient
Math Lost Lake will be using Pearson Envision as the county adopted curriculum. *********************************************** Tests = 50% Unit test at the end of the Topic Quizzes = 30% Lesson Mid-Point Checks Assignments– 20% Math Facts in 5 minutes – Biweekly / Notebook activities
Language Arts / ELA Reading
Quizzes= I-Ready Quizzes / Scholastic News Magazine Quizzes Assessments= Weekly Wonder’s Tests Grammar = Quizzes (Every 3 Weeks) Spelling = Tests (Every 3 Weeks) Writing = 2 each nine weeks
Accelerator Reader (AR)
Students have an opportunity DAILY to take AR tests. Students may take AR tests on books that are within their reading level range. Chapter books may be read once. Picture books may be read two times.
Accelerated Math (AMath)
Students have an opportunity to work at their pace. Students practice on each 3rd grade standard and then test. Students earn objectives for each standard mastered and record on a pathway Must have one practice or test per week with an 80% to participate in Fun Friday.
Homework Take Home Folders are sent home daily.
Homework procedures are as follows: Read nightly a book of your choice to complete the 40 BOOK CHALLENGE. Practice math nightly (unless it was a test day) Complete spelling activities (if needed) Please sign agendas and go over your child’s homework. If your child is not getting his/her work completed in class, he/she may need to complete it for homework. I will be looking for completion.
FSA Reading – April 1st – 12th High Stakes 1-5 Alternative Tests
IReady Test STAR Test (50% higher than nation) Summer School Portfolio Math – May 1st – 14th 1-5 Timed Tests 80 minutes / 2 sessions
Agendas/ Take Home Folders
I check agendas each and every morning. Agendas are to be returned to school every day. You may write or attach a note in your child’s agenda. I use the agenda for behavior rewards and consequences. Take Home Folders
Parties Parties, and Holiday Sharing:
Only store bought goodies are acceptable. If your child cannot participate in celebrations, please let me know. Birthday Parties are limited to a store bought treat. You may send them in with your child in the morning or leave them at the front office. I will send invites through Sign Up Genius for classroom parties/holiday celebrations. If volunteers are needed, that is where you will sign up, as well.
Lunch 12:30-1:00 Lunch money: In envelope with first & last name
Prepay online: You may come to eat with YOUR child! (Not their friends, though…) Parents are to use the PTO provided picnic tables outside of the cafeteria. Breakfast and lunch are free this year.
SNACK Snack schedule Bring their own snack Water ONLY
No sugary, chocolate, candy, or chips (or other greasy) snacks. This is a “working” snack time.
Enrichment Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. - 11:33-12:18
Wed. – rotating time schedule Split Enrichment Schedule Enrichment is on an 8 day rotation Make sure they have appropriate shoes (SNEAKERS) for PE I do encourage the students to wear sneakers daily, as we go out for recess too.
Class Events Field Trips – We are busy planning our Field Trips! We are going to a play at ERHS in November and LEGOLAND or Lowry Zoo later in the year. Please make sure to fill out Volunteer Paperwork as soon as possible if interested in chaperoning field trips or volunteering in the classroom. Classroom/Field trip volunteers must be Level 2 certified (fingerprints and background checks) Conferences –Week of October 23rd Sign up through Signup Genius
Rewards and Consequences
Lunch in the Classroom Whole Class – earn “LUNCH” letters from staff compliments Individual – zero marks for the month STAR Time- extra free/play time Daily – 10 minutes Opportunity to make up missed work Fun Friday – Free time 1 mark – warning 2 marks- 5 minutes 3 or more marks – No Fun Friday Marbles Turn in 5 for a treat! Random acts of kindness or responsibility
Student Illness Student must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school (without the aid of Tylenol or other medication). Hand washing daily is practiced in the classroom (before lunch and after restroom use). Please do not send your child to school sick! 17 other families, including my own, thank you!
Uniform Dress Code Policy
The Lost Lake Elementary School Advisory Council has established our mandatory uniform policy as follows: Monday through Thursday- Tops: Knit polo style collared shirts in white, navy blue, hunter green, light blue or pink. No T-shirt allowed Monday through Thursday. Bottoms: Shorts (fingertip length) or long pants (not baggy or form fitting), skirts, skorts, jumpers, in black, navy or khaki (solid color only). Leggings or stocking in solid black , blue or white only. Fridays only– Jeans on Friday must be fully intact appropriately worn jeans (not baggy or form fitting), without fashionable rips or tears. Jeans must be worn with any Lost Lake shirt or approved polo. Footwear: Tennis shoes or shoes with an enclosed heel are preferred. Sandals must have a heel strap. Consequences for Dress Code Violation 1st Offense: Parent Contact- Administration Notification 2nd Offense: Lunch Detention 3rd Offense: School Plus – After School Detention 4th Offense: In-School Suspension 5th Offense: Out-of-School Suspension
Reading Choice Books Media Books IRL / Zone Scholastic
Helping your child with reading IRL / Zone Book Mark Scholastic New book each month Flyers sent home/ order online
Communication Email
Please remember not to use your child’s name in s (initials are preferred). We can also not discuss personal information through . REMIND APP or text messages Friday Fridge Facts Note in agenda Phone Conference Conference
THANK YOU for coming!!! Email Address –
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