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Cyflwyniad i Gynhadledd Biosffer Dyfi 2004

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Presentation on theme: "Cyflwyniad i Gynhadledd Biosffer Dyfi 2004"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyflwyniad i Gynhadledd Biosffer Dyfi 2004
Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First Cyflwyniad i Gynhadledd Biosffer Dyfi 2004 ar beth ydy anghenion cymunedau Bro Ddyfi a sut gall Cynllun Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf gynorthwyo yn y datblygu Presentation to the Dyfi Biosphere Conference on what are the community needs of Bro Ddyfi and how the Communities First Programme can assist in its development Arfon Hughes – Cadeirydd / Chair

2 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Strategaeth dymor hir ar gyfer gwella cyfleodd ac ansawdd bywydau pobl sy’n byw ac yn gweithio yn y cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig. Rhaglen sy’n sicrhau bod arian a chefnogaeth Llywodraeth y Cynulliad ac eraill yn cael eu cyfeirio i’r ardaloedd tlotaf. Long term strategy for improving opportunities and standard of living of people who work and live in the most deprived communities A program which ensures Assembly Government funding and support as well as others are directed to the poorest areas.

3 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Nodau Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Cynhwysiant cymdeithasol Datblygiad cynaladwy Cyfle cyfartal Yn ogystal â :- Aims of Communities First Social inclusion Sustainable development Equal opportunities As well as:-

4 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Y Wlad sy’n Dysgu Yr Amgylchedd Busnes Modern Gwlad Iach Model o wasanaethau cyhoeddus, agored ac ymatebol Technoleg gwybodaeth a Chyfathrebu Plant a Phobl Ifanc Y Diwylliant Cymreig The Learning Country The Modern Business Environment A Healthy Country A Model of open and reactive public services Information Technology and Communication Children and Young people The Welsh Culture

5 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Pam dynodi Bro Ddyfi yn ardal Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf? Why designate Bro Ddyfi a Communities First Area?

6 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Rhesymau :- Dioddef o freintiau sylfaenol Diweithdra wedi’w achosi gan gau ffatrioedd fel Laura ashley a Dewhurst Diboblogi a diffyg posibiliadau gwaith Cais gan GSP i LCC i Fro Ddyfi gael ei ystyried yn ardal integredig yn wledig ac yn gadwyn o wardiau difreintiedig Ardal Gynllunio Cyngor Sir Reasons:- Suffering from basic amenities Unemployment due to closure of factories such as Laura Ashley and Dewhurst Depopulation and lack of employment possibilities A bid from PCC to WAG for Bro Ddyfi to be regarded as an integrated area, rural and a necklace of wards which were deprived A County Council planning Area

7 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Dechrau’r broses – Ymgynghori â’r gymuned Starting the process – Community consultation

8 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Llyfr Syniadau Iaith a Diwylliant Adloniant a difyrrwch Canolfan Technoleg Amgen Cludiant a Chyfathrebu Tirlun Cefn Gwlad a'r Amgylchedd Ideas Book Language and culture Entertainment and recreation Centre of Alternative Technology Transport and Communication Scenery Countryside and Environment

9 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Addysg ac Ysgolion Neuaddau Pentref Gofal Iechyd Cyllid Adeiladau, Llety a Thai Ansawdd Bywyd Gwaith, Busnes a Darparwyr Gwasanaethau Cyfathrebu Cyfreithiol a Chymdeithasol Education and Schools Village Halls Healthcare Funding Buildings, Accommodation & Housing Quality of life Work, Business & Service providers Legal & Social communication

10 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Celfyddydau a Hamdden Chwaraeon a Gweithgareddau Twristiaeth Cynaladwyedd Ieuenctid Henoed Ymwybyddiaeth o'r Ardal Tai a Gwaith Arts and Leisure Sports and Activities Tourism Sustainability Youth Elderly Awareness of the area Housing and Work

11 Pobl yn cyfrannu syniadau yn y diwrnod agored
People suggesting ideas at the open day

12 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Llyfr syniadau Sefydlu cyfarfodydd pwnc Cyfathrebu gyda’r gymuned – Cylchlythyr Gwefan Datganiadau i’r wasg Cystadleuaeth Diwrnod agored Ideas book Establishing themed meetings Communication with the community- Newsletter Website Press releases Competition Open Day

13 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Themâu Allweddol - Swyddi a Busnes Addysg a Hyfforddiant Yr Amgylchedd Iechyd a Lles Cymuned Weithredol Trosedd a Diogelwch Cymunedol Key Themes – Employment and business Education and Training The Environment Health and Well-being An Active Community Crime and Community Safety

14 Rhoi Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Bro Ddyfi Communities First
Am ragor o wybodaeth gellwch ymweld â:- bydd gwefan newydd Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Powys ar lein yn fuan yn cael ei lawnsio yn y Sioe Frenhinol yn Llanelwedd Neu ffonio : For further information visit:- a new Communities First for Powys website will be on line soon and launched at the Royal Welsh Show Llanelwedd Or phone:

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