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Katie Murray Deputy Headteacher Percy Hedley School

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Presentation on theme: "Katie Murray Deputy Headteacher Percy Hedley School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Katie Murray Deputy Headteacher Percy Hedley School
“An integrated approach within the principles of Conductive Education” What does it really mean? Katie Murray Deputy Headteacher Percy Hedley School

2 Terminology? Jargon? Advertising material Reports Statements/EHC
Job descriptions Unique selling point We use this phrase over and over again- a stock phrase that rolls off the tongue with ease- we offer an integrated approach within the principles of CE its written everywhere and we use it repeatedly

3 But what does it mean? Physiotherapists Speech and Language therapists
Occupational therapists Support staff Teachers Conductors??? We have a range of staff from different disciplines, with different experiences, different ages, trained and different times, all with a very clear idea of what their role is in enabling a child to succeed. Teachers teach the curriculum ? Physios do physiotherapy working on developing motor skills? Speech and language therapists work on communication, occupational therapists look at fine motor development, access, equipment, support staff support the pupils to access the curriculum Conductors- do task series? Because that’s CE isnt it?

4 Principles- what principles?
Active participant Functionality and independence Focus on what they can do, not what they cannot Potential in all Focus on the development of the whole child 24 hour approach

5 Practice- what practice?
Task series Opportunities for generalisation Rhythmical intention Planned daily routine Breaking down tasks into manageable chunks General mindset of all staff- whole school philosophy (key drivers) Culture follows through all therapies and curriculum sessions

6 Working alongside or working together?
The child at the centre Communication is key Shared targets and shared understanding Open, honest, transparent, flexible, willing to share and willing to learn Development of individuals, leads to development of the team, development of the children Staff must learn not be precious about their discipline- we must only be precious about the child and their progress

7 Challenges Became really apparent over the past few years
Perceptions- overcoming the myths Time Culture needs to encourage, enable and give confidence to all staff- professional dialogue Training Shared accountability for progress whilst maintaining individual professionalism EHC plans- prescriptive nature of provision If staff aren’t confident or feel under pressure they revert to type/training and become precious for their bit Professional dialogue comes with its challenges- but ultimately it leads to development for all as we question and justify our thoughts and approaches With new plans- the outcomes are sectioned out clearly with the provision in place this places pressure on staff Training challenge for new staff- like clear guidelines and clear instructions- struggle with things like facilitation etc Easier to deliver training for a specific element- more difficult when we are trying to adopt a whole day approach- modelling, carefully structuring class teams, peers

8 Is it easy? Not always but we think its worth the effort.

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