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Potential Milestones A timeline to finish in one year

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1 Potential Milestones A timeline to finish in one year
This is a sample set of milestones that result in a Committee Specification by June 2006 June 2005 kickoff “F2F1” July-August raise issues, infrastructure in place September 2005 “F2F2” detailed examination of issues, aim to produce CD1 October 2005: “CD1” preliminary edit of spec with all issues called out Early December “F2F3” – aim to produce CD2 Mid December – “CD2” created December 2005/January CD2 voted on January-February CD3 prepared Late February 2006 F2F4 Review and close issues in CD3 March 2006 CD3 finalised Ballot to approve as Public Review Draft End of March - Public Review Draft published End of May 2006 End of public review, final edits June CS published

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