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Headteacher: Ms Anne Gouldthorpe Assistant Headteacher: Mr James Frost

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1 Bullers Wood School for Boys Year 7 Information Evening Monday 2nd July 2018
Headteacher: Ms Anne Gouldthorpe Assistant Headteacher: Mr James Frost Head of Year 7: Mr Liam Thornton


3 Bullers Wood School for Boys
Healthy Happy Resilient Successful Bullers Wood School for Boys

4 Bullers Wood School for Boys
The Bullers Wood Way Show honesty and maturity by taking on personal responsibility for my actions Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control Show respect for myself, for other boys, adults, school values and the environment Follow the uniform code Be a good role model in the community Arrive at school and lessons on time Bring the correct equipment, books and homework to support my learning Ensure that my mobile device is ‘off and away’ when in school Bullers Wood School for Boys



7 Which is approximately Which means this number of lessons missed
Attendance Attendance  During one School Year Equals Days absent  per year Which is approximately  weeks absent Which means this number of lessons missed 95% 9 Days 2 Weeks 60 Lessons 90% 19 Days 4 Weeks 120 Lessons 85% 29 Days 6 Weeks 180 Lessons 80% 38 Days 8 Weeks 240 Lessons Bullers Wood School for Boys

8 Bullers Wood School for Boys

9 Bullers Wood School for Boys
Equipment Books for the school day * Pencil Case Pens and Pencils Ruler Protractor Calculator (Casio fx-85GT PLUS –recommended) Dry Wipe pen * We will issue boys with text books, exercise books, folders and paper for their work. Boys must bring the correct equipment to lessons and take them home when required for homework. Looking after books is the students’ responsibility. Protecting books with strong paper or plastic covers will make them more robust. Bullers Wood School for Boys

10 Bullers Wood School for Boys
Curriculum Broad & balanced curriculum Science laboratory Off-site arrangements for PE Enterprise Days Tutorial Programme Personal Development Extra-curricular programme Bullers Wood School for Boys

11 Bullers Wood School for Boys
Homework Class Charts Homework Tasks - examples of reasonable quantity: 1 lesson per week – up to 1 homework per fortnight. (e.g. RS, Computing) 2 - 3 lessons per week – up to 1 x homework per week (e.g. History/Geography) More than 3 lessons – up to 3 homeworks per fortnight (e.g. English, Maths, Science) Y minutes a subject per homework Homework Clubs SAM Learning Bullers Wood School for Boys

12 Enrichment/Extra-Curricular/Clubs/Sport
The School Day Time Mondays Tuesday - Friday 0755 Tutor Time/Assembly 0815 Personal Development Lesson 1 0905 Lesson 2 0955 Lesson 3 Break 1045 1015 1105 Lesson 4 1155 Lesson 5 Lunch 1245 1230 1320 Lesson 6 1325 1415 Lesson 7 1420 End of School Day Enrichment/Extra-Curricular/Clubs/Sport 1510 Bullers Wood School for Boys

13 Bullers Wood School for Boys
Lunch Bullers Wood School for Boys

14 We will be using Schoolgateway to communicate messages, send school reports, share timetables and collect payments You will be able to sign into the App (or website version) from 3rd September We will send you further information and instructions before this date

15 Bullers Wood School for Boys
Who to Contact? 7A Ms Greig 7B Ms Tapinassi 7C Mr Macharia 7D Mrs Willis 7E Mr Jackson 7F Mr Collins Mr Thornton Head of Year 7 Bullers Wood School for Boys

16 Bullers Wood School for Boys
Planning Bullers Wood School for Boys

17 Bullers Wood School for Boys

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