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Introduction Assess the link between students‘ spiritual values and health behaviors  Administered health behavior survey to over 200 students  Are students.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Assess the link between students‘ spiritual values and health behaviors  Administered health behavior survey to over 200 students  Are students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Temple Theory HLTH 509 Social & Behavioral Theory Applications in Public Health 

2 Introduction Assess the link between students‘ spiritual values and health behaviors  Administered health behavior survey to over 200 students  Are students treating their body as a temple (sleep, diet, behaviors)?  By comparing beliefs and actual practices.

3 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies" - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20  Foundational scripture: add narration

4 Methods Collaboration between HLTH 634 & HLTH 509
Partnered with Student Health Services (LHL) Survey Administration Online anonymous survey National Public Health Week (April 3-6) Univariate and bivariate analysis The study was developed by students in two MPH course, both taught by Dr. James Florence. To capture undergraduates but some graduate students also took the survey.

5 Age & Gender 228 total respondents: Female = 68%, Male = 32%

6 Classification & Residence
On campus = 115; off campus = 113

7 Health Behavior Frequencies
Again number of respondents = 228

8 Use of Tobacco Products (e.g., cigarettes/cigars, smokeless tobacco)
91% not smoked in 30 d In an average week, how many days do you participate in the following activities? 0 Use = 97.4%; 1-2 days = 2.2%; 3-4 = 0.4%

9 Drink Alcohol for Intoxicating Effects
0 use = 91.2%; 1-2 = 7.0%; 3-4 = 1.8%

10 Use of Illicit Drugs or Drugs not Prescribed (Excluding Over-the-Counter Medicines)

11 Consume High Sugar Foods/Drinks (e.g., soda, candy, desserts)
0 use = 10.5%; 1-2 = 36.4%; 3-4 = 35.1%; 5-7 = 18%

12 Consume High Fat Foods (e.g., fatty meats, whole fat dairy, pastries)
0 use = 9.6%; 1-2 = 38.6%; 3-4 = 37.7%; 5-7 = 14%

13 Consume 5 or More Servings of Fruits and/or Vegetables
Amount ~3 ½ cups Data from NCHA: How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you usually have per day? 0 = 8%; 5 0r more 5%; most consume mid-range.

14 Eat Breakfast 0 use = 8.3%; 1-2 = 30.3%; 3-4 = 23.2%; 5-7 = 38.2%

15 Drink Six-to-Eight 8 oz. Glasses of Water
Amount ~ 2 qts. 0 use =18 ; 1-2 = 49 ; 3-4 = 73 ; 5-7 = 88

16 Engage in Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity for 30 Minutes or More
20% 31% 27% 22% 0 use = 20; 1-2 = 76; 3-4 = 78 ; 5-7 = 54 NCHA: On how many of the past 7 days did you do moderate intensity cardio or aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes?

17 Sleep 7 or More Hours Each Night
11% 32% 37% 25% 0 = 19 ; 1-2 = 66 ; 3-4 = 80 ; 5-7 = 63 NCHA question: On how many of the last 7 days did you get enough sleep so you feel rested when you wake up?

18 Engage in Screen Time After 9:00 pm (e. g
Engage in Screen Time After 9:00 pm (e.g., cell phone, television, computer) 0 = 1; 1-2 = 9; 3-4 = 44; 5-7 = 174

19 Consume Caffeine After 4:00 pm. (e.g., caffeinated coffee,tea, colas)
0 = 75; 1-2 = 83; 3-4 = 42; 5-7 = 28

20 Pray 10 Minutes or More 0 = 29; 1-2 = 79; 3-4 = 70; 5-7 = 50

21 Read Bible for 10 Minutes or More
0 = 28; 1-2 =73; 3-4 = 74; 5-7 = 53

22 Outside Influences of Behavior
Influence on Health Decisions & Actions

23 Influence of My Church Q3 - How much of an impact do the following have on your health decisions and actions? Number of Respondents: none = 44; minimal = 82; some = 61; great = 41 6 options, highlighted 3 Social media was third Church fourth

24 Influence of My Family or Friends
 0 = 1.3%; 1-2 = 16%; 3-4 = 47%; 5-7 = 36% Numbers = none = 3; minimal = 36; some = 108; great = 81

25 Influence of My Understanding of the Body as God’s Temple
Had the greatest impact even over church attendance and family or friends 0 = 0.4%; 1-2 = 14.5%; 3-4 = 44.3%; 5-7 = 40.8%

26 Temple Care

27 Avoiding the Use of Tobacco
194, 85.1% = Yes; 34, 14.9% = No

28 Avoiding Abuse of Alcohol or Drugs
Yes = 190, 83.3%; No = 38,16.7%

29 Eating a Healthy Diet Yes = 177, 77.6%; No = 51, 22.4% So, 78% said eating a healthy diet is a part of taking care of body as God’s Temple, but the question is are they really practicing this?

30 Exercise Yes = 158, 69.3%; No = 70, 30.7%

31 Getting Adequate Sleep
Yes = 158, 69.3%; No = 70, 30.7%

32 Relationship of Belief & Practice

33 BT Influence Vs. Days Per Week Consuming High Sugar Foods/Drinks

34 BT Influence Vs. Days Per Week Consuming Foods High in Fat

35 BT Influence Vs. Eating 5 or More Servings of Fruits & Vegetables

36 BT Influence Vs. Engaging in Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity 30 Minutes or More

37 BT Influence Vs. Days Getting 7 or More Hours of Sleep

38 Conclusions Consistent with Body Temple Concept  Tobacco
 Alcohol for intoxication  Drug abuse  Sugary foods  Exercise 225 said yes to Christian 

39 Conclusions Not consistent with Body Temple Concept Sleep Fat intake
Fruit & vegetable intake 225 said yes to Christian 

40 Limitations Self-reporting bias among respondents
Concern about confidentiality Small sample size Survey questions relied on student interpretation (e.g., 'healthy' diet) Which of the following items play a role in caring for your body as God’s temple? (Select all that apply

41 Presenter Information
James Florence, DrPH, MATS, MCHES Professor Dept. of Public & Community Health, Liberty University Annette Florence, DrPH, MPH, MCHES Associate Professor, Department chair Dept. of Public & Community Health, Liberty University

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