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Bernadette Gardiner & Emma Boyce

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Presentation on theme: "Bernadette Gardiner & Emma Boyce"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bernadette Gardiner & Emma Boyce
Quality Bogging from Maynooth University Library

2 Library first Department to undergo a Quality Review as part of the third cycle of QR Deputy Librarian decided to use the blog as a visual aid to enhance the Quality Review Process ANLTC (CONUL Staff Training & Development) Blog Competition Winners 2014 Background

3 Methodology Brain Storming Session
How to capture a wide remit of activities? Helped to focus the aim of the blog

4 Know your audience Internal Quality Reviewers
External Quality Reviewers University Quality Promotion Sub-Committee Library Staff

5 Planning Strategy Be concise Chronological if appropriate
Easy to navigate Easy to understand

6 Collective Headings A-Z
Collections Community Engagement Events Exhibitions Staff Development Student Experience

7 Using Existing Resources
Archives Facebook Flickr Infographics Journal Articles Websites

8 Creativity

9 Choosing a Design Theme
Inclusion of University Logo Good design elements Composition – Fonts – Colour Palette

10 What images to use? Modern Classic

11 Library development Journey of Library Activities Local Regional
National International Mathaeus Seutter, Atlas Minor, 1744

12 Journey of Self Development Increased our skills set
Animoto – cloud based video creator Movie Maker YouTube Audacity – free audio editor and recorder

13 As a reviewer entering a new organisation for the first time, knowing almost nothing, your blog performed the wonderful job of showcasing all the wonderful things that are going on at Maynooth and without the leg-work! You helped us to hit the ground running last Tuesday, by focusing our attention on the things that you, the staff, wanted us to know about and to see. Without it, it would be impossible to gain so many insights into the breadth and depth of your impressive Library in just the two days we had. We could see at a glance, all the things you are rightly proud of Jan Wilkinson, Librarian and Director of John Rylands Library, University of Manchester

14 "Fluent communication is central to effective team building and collective action towards an end goal. The MU Library's blog is an excellent and pioneering example of how a complex organisational unit can harness social media to further awareness at all levels of ongoing events and activities. It also played a key role in helping the library prepare so thoroughly for the review process. It is a simple but most impressive initiative and is to be commended to other units in Maynooth” Professor Mark Boyle, NIRSA/Geography Department, Maynooth University


16 Maynooth University Library Quality Review 2015
Bernie Gardiner & Emma Boyce

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