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USDA Forest Service Asian Pacific American Employee Association

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1 USDA Forest Service Asian Pacific American Employee Association
APAEA All Members Meeting April 14, 2014

2 Webinar Procedures Session will be recorded & slides posted online
4/14/14 Webinar Procedures Session will be recorded & slides posted online Please mute your phone Please do not put your phone on hold Throughout presentation Use Q & A tab to type questions, use early and often Use “Feedback to Presenter” dialog box to provide comments to presenter Q & A at the end Use F5 key to toggle between full & normal screen views

3 Purpose of Meeting Introduce Executive Committee & Members.
4/14/14 Purpose of Meeting Introduce Executive Committee & Members. Learn about current efforts on Diversity and Inclusion in the Forest Service from APAEA Executive Leadership Advisor, Leslie Weldon, Deputy Chief, National Forest System. Share information on projects and seek volunteers. Discuss member survey results. Provide an opportunity for member sharing, community building, and networking. -Will share participants list following call. -Membership list PDL is used to communicate APAEA business (i.e. protect your inbox from spam flood). updates from the executive leadership team and provide her insights on the importance of having an employee association.

4 Executive Committee Liz Berger, Chair (WO) Annette Delos-Santos (R5)
4/14/14 Liz Berger, Chair (WO) Robin Gyorgyfalvy (R6, R5 – Detail) Annette Delos-Santos (R5) Chinling Chen (R5) Wes Wong (R6) Sharon Yeh (R6)

5 4/14/14 APAEA Mission Promote Asian Pacific Islander employee career development, leadership, talent management, and retention in the FS; Enhance the FS’s cultural and intergenerational competency in serving its employees and diverse public; Provide a forum for those interested in Asian/Pacific Islander issues and opportunities to network, mentor, share common ground, seek solutions, and cultivate a sense of community.

6 4/14/14 APAEA History 1993: Formally established via Proclamation of Partnership, signed by Chief, Dale F. Robertson. 1990s: Members launch ideas into achievements: UC Davis recruitment initiative, West Coast APA Community Outreach Program, APAEA Employee Directory. 2000s: Membership network grows. APAEA champions career advancement of APA leaders. Partnerships develop (Wing Luke Asian Museum). 2011-Today: APAEA recharters and becomes a USDA recognized Employee Resource Group. Founding APAEA leaders transition to new leaders. *Began early ‘90s by grassroots efforts in California. *Most early accomplishments grew out of all member calls

7 Diversity & Inclusion Leslie Weldon APAEA Executive Leadership Advisor
Deputy Chief, National Forest System

8 4/14/14 Projects FAPAC (Federal Asian Pacific American Council) - National Leadership Training. May 5-9th, Charlotte, NC. APA Heritage Partnership in R5 and R4. OCA (Asian Pacific American Advocates) - National Convention. Aug. 7-10th, Los Angeles, CA. Employee Development Webinars – Resume Writing and Interview Skills. APAEA website ( and other web communication tools. Working Group Partnership Resources List CHINLING: Current E.C. members met at FAPAC Natl. Leadership Training. This contributed to several APAEA members career advancement and leadership opportunities

9 National Leadership Training
FAPAC National Leadership Training May 5-9, 2014 Charlotte, NC

10 4/14/14 Ongoing APA History Projects – Olympic and Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie NFs (Dale Hom, Jim Chu, Aleta Eng) w/ Wing Luke Museum: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation – Chairman’s Award for Achievement in Historic Preservation: partnership w/ USFS and Wing Luke Museum of Asian Pacific American Experience

11 Land of Our Ancestors Preserving Asian Pacific American Heritage
4/14/14 Land of Our Ancestors Preserving Asian Pacific American Heritage Ongoing APA heritage partnerships: including tours around the west to historic sites of Asian Pacific American pioneers Dean Yoshina PSW Deputy Director, Recreation, Heritage, and Wilderness

12 Asian Pacific American Advocates
National Convention August 7-10, 2014 Los Angeles


14 Employee Development Webinars
4/14/14 Employee Development Webinars

15 Working Group


17 4/14/14 Survey Results More action and visibility on the ground through positive messages. Continued information about recruitment efforts and opportunities. It just seems its hard to get people engaged. Including myself. Trying to get more than just a few people engaged is something that I would like to see. Continue to connect with Asian Pacific Americans as individuals and as a community. Improving diversity and roadblocks in the Forest Service. Survey Result

18 APAEA Executive Leadership Advisor
4/14/14 Win VideoChat Lunch Wes: Ed Gee has directly influenced National policy, -Advised FS Chief and WO Staff on Asian Pacific American issues and provided multicultural review -Built collaborative partnerships, -Former line officer, hotshot firefighter crew squad leader, National Partnerships Coordinator, International Visitors Coordinator, Disaster Management Specialist --Seasoned forester (Siskyou, Willamette, Okanogan, Sequoia NFs) -Ed is Currently a private consultant in forest health restoration Versar and Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials (CORRIM) Leslie Weldon APAEA Executive Leadership Advisor Deputy Chief, NFS Ed Gee Retired Forest Service Former Woody Biomass Utilization Team Leader

19 Member Community Member Introductions Ideas, Concerns, Comments
Community Building Networking Other?

20 How to Get Involved – Browse & share resources, forum, news
Join the Working Group (google group) Volunteer to help with one of our projects Lead a new project

21 USDA Forest Service Asian Pacific American Employee Association
APAEA All Members Meeting April 14, 2014

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