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Welcome Introduction to Poll Everywhere

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Introduction to Poll Everywhere"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Introduction to Poll Everywhere
Karlton Hughes, Instructional Designer and Media Specialist

2 Goals To Learn… what Poll Everywhere is and what it does
how to use (and instruct others to use) a device to respond to an activity (or poll) the basics of the Poll Everywhere interface to create activities (or polls) from within the Poll Everywhere site that others will respond to Also to see… effective ways to use Poll Everywhere face-to-face in the classroom effective ways to use Poll Everywhere during events and meetings Goals

3 Our Journey Understand Issues inherit in face-to-face meetings
Learn what Poll Everywhere is and what it does Discuss some solutions to the issues in face-to-face meetings See how Poll Everywhere activities look to an end user Examples of various types of activities Take a look inside the Poll Everywhere presenter environment Create Poll Everywhere Activities as a presenter Open up for questions and discussion Our Journey

4 Classroom Issues Class Participation (Inclusion and Time)
Reluctance to Participate Rhetorical Questions Fear of Wrong Answers Fear of “Dumb Questions” Introverted Personalities Lack of Engagement or Not Paying Attention Difficult to spot trends Classroom Issues

5 Meeting and Event Issues
Participation (Inclusion) Participation (Time) Reluctance to Participate Fear of “Dumb Questions” Introverted Personalities Lack of Engagement or Not Paying Attention Misunderstanding trends or having difficulty in spotting trends Meeting and Event Issues

6 What is Poll Everywhere?
An Internet-based (and cellular-based) audience response system that can address some of the problems of participation What is Poll Everywhere?

7 Solutions Allowing Total Participation Everyone can respond
No Additional Time Taken Providing Anonymity to address Reluctance Fear of wrong answers Fear of “Dumb Question” Introverted personalities Requiring participation to address lack of engagement or not paying attention Brainstorming and building on ideas Reporting and reviewing results Spot trends of the total population Solutions

8 Poll Everywhere Features
Offers a suite of (polling) activities Responses to activities are via the Internet or SMS Respondents can be anonymous or registered FREE education accounts allow up to 40 responses Real-time display of responses with graphing LMS Integration Poll Everywhere Features

9 Response Comparisons (SMS) Mobile App (web) x Multiple Choice
Word Cloud Q&A Audience Favorite Rank Order Clickable Image Survey Open-ended Response Comparisons

10 Sample Activities

11 Multiple Choice Activities

12 What's the most important thing you hope to gain from this training?

13 Word Cloud Activities

14 In one word, describe how learning a new educational technology makes you feel?

15 Q&A Audience Favorite Activities

16 What are some barriers to learning a new educational technology?

17 Rank Order Activities

18 Rank the technologies so that the ones you believe will impact hire education the most are highest.

19 Clickable Image Activities

20 In what region of the map where you born?

21 Survey Activities

22 Presentation feedback

23 Open-ended Activities

24 Additional Poll Everywhere Uses
End of Lecture/Meeting Question Pool Gauge student/participant understanding Group consensus More… Additional Poll Everywhere Uses

25 Questions? Karlton Hughes Instructional Designer and Media Specialist

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