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Principles of teaching and learning and teaching methods

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2 Principles of teaching and learning and teaching methods
Dr Abul Kalam Md Shamsuddin

3 Objectives Able to : Define teaching Mention about effective teaching
Define learning Mention about effective learning Mention how student learns Describe characteristics of learning Demonstrate the conditions of learning 4:08 AM

4 Objectives (cont) Mention types learning Mention learning theories
Mention learning strategies 4:08 AM

5 Teaching Teaching is usually meant to impart or transfer knowledge
Teaching is concerned with providing students opportunities to learn 4:08 AM

6 Teaching Organized communication Interactive process
Activity concerned with learning Providing opportunities to learn Creating learning experiences to build, develop and nurture thinking ability 4:08 AM

7 Def. of teaching Interaction between teacher and students under teachers responsibility in order to bring about expected changes in the students behavior. 4:08 AM

8 Effective Teaching: Must be--- Stimulating Encouraging Organized
Develops positive attitude Achieves goal Builds self-directed learner 4:08 AM

9 Learning Learning –A process resulting in some modification relatively permanent of the way of thinking, feeling and doing of the learner 4:08 AM

10 Learning Learning is-- Constructive and active process
Undertaken by individual learner Takes new information and builds it on existing knowledge Cognitive structures which the learner builds are influenced by the structure and organization of the information 4:08 AM

11 Effective learning Objectives are clearly understood by the learner
Scope of frequent brief practice Specific feedback to identified errors Reinforcing practice of correct elements 4:08 AM

12 Most of the teachers want to be better teachers, by trying to--
Improve the way they interact with students Be a better communicators Use audiovisual aids better “ But we don’t try to understand how students learn” 4:08 AM

13 Teachers responsibility
Not to transfer his /her knowledge to students but to prepare them for a never ending searching for knowledge 4:08 AM

14 Characteristics of Learning
Long term retention of knowledge Able to perceive relation between old and new knowledge Able to create new knowledge Able to apply one’s knowledge to solving problems Able to communicate one’s knowledge to others Wanting to know more 4:08 AM

15 Conditions for Learning 4:08 AM

16 Condition-1 Readyness - Occurs when the learner is ready - cognitively, emotionally - to meet the demands of the learning task 4:08 AM

17 Condition-2 Occurs when the learner has a reason for learning
The better the reason, the better the learning . eg. Passing examination. 4:08 AM

18 Condition 3 Relate knowledge- Occurs when the learner explicitly relates previous knowledge to the new. 4:08 AM

19 Condition 4 Occurs when the learner is active during the learning
Active learner- Occurs when the learner is active during the learning 4:08 AM

20 Contion-5 Friendly environment- Occurs when the environment offers adequate support for the learner 4:08 AM

21 How Learning Occurs? SMCK (Marzano, 1998) 4:08 AM

22 Learning Outcomes should be ‘SMART’
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timed These have major implications for planning. However…. 4:08 AM

23 Types of Learning Imprinting Habituation Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning Concept learning 4:08 AM

24 Imprinting It is a type of learning that is strongly guided by instinct. The behavior of new born ducks followed the first moving object they saw. 4:08 AM

25 Habituation It is the dicrease in response toa stimulus with repeated presentation of same stimulus. একই এস্টিমুলাস বার বার দিলে তার রেসপন্স কমে যায়। 4:08 AM

26 Classical conditioning
When a stimulus that naturally elicit response (US) is paired with other stimulus (CS) that does not elicit response . Over time the second come to elicit response well. 4:08 AM

27 Operant condotioning When a person learns to perform behavior that produce positive outcomes and avoid those results negative outcomes. -Punishment and rewards 4:08 AM

28 Concept learning One of the crucial form of learning of humane behavior and to the science of educational psychology It involves learning to classify together things that have a common attribute. -define concepts - abstract concepts 4:08 AM

29 Rules and Principles Rule: may be defined as two or more concepts related in a manner indicating specific application. Principles: Two or more concepts or rules expressed in a manner indicating general application 4:08 AM

30 Cognitive theory of learning(internal mental process)
Learning theories are conceptual frameworks describing how information is absorbed, processed & retained in learning. Homunculus theory Blank slate theory Cognitive theory of learning(internal mental process) Behavior learning theory(response to external stimuli) Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Social learn theory(observing & imitating in social context) Schema theory of learning 4:08 AM

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33 9 Strategies for fostering deep approach
Extent to which this strategy embody: motivational context, learner activity, interaction with others & well structured knowledge base. Strategy-1: Independent learning Strategy-2: Personal development Strategy-3: Problem based learning Strategy-4: Reflection Strategy-5: Independent group work Strategy-6: Learning by doing(experiment) Strategy-7: Developing learning skills Strategy-8: Project works Strategy-9: Fine tuning 4:08 AM

34 Objectives Able to : Define teaching Mention about effective teaching
Define learning Mention about effective learning Mention how student learns Describe characteristics of learning Demonstrate the conditions of learning 4:08 AM

35 Objectives (cont) Mention types learning Mention learning theories
Mention learning strategies 4:08 AM

36 THANKS 4:08 AM

37 Medical education was learning by humiliation, with naming, shaming, and blaming. Now, students are encouraged to question received wisdom. BMJ  2003;327: 4:08 AM

38 ‘BEM Principles’ Beginning, End and Middle Principle (BEM)
The BEM (beginning – end – middle) principle states that the beginnings and endings of presented content are more readily remembered than content in the middle. (The Primacy Effect) Thus, the first minutes and the last 8-10 minutes of a presentation (The Recency Effect) are optimum periods for learning. 4:08 AM

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