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Scale of Observations -The earliest microscopes began in the late 1500’s to mid 1600’s -These microscopes consisted of two glass lenses.

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Presentation on theme: "Scale of Observations -The earliest microscopes began in the late 1500’s to mid 1600’s -These microscopes consisted of two glass lenses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scale of Observations -The earliest microscopes began in the late 1500’s to mid 1600’s -These microscopes consisted of two glass lenses

2 Scale of Observations -The lens that you look into is called an ocular lens -The ocular lens often magnifies things by 10x (ten times) -The lens that focuses on the subject is called the objective lens -The objective lens focuses on the subject and can magnify objects usually between 4 to 40 times

3 Scale of Observations Total Magnification
-The total magnification is the magnification of an image through both the ocular and objective lenses -If the ocular is 10X and the objective is 40X, the total magnification is 400X

4 Scale of Observations -The field diameter is the number of millimeters that can fit in the diameter of the field of vision. -Lower magnification = bigger field diameter -Higher magnification = smaller field diameter

5 What Would You Observe? Reflection:
Imagine that you you had a very powerful microscope at your home. 1. Write down some of the things that you would love to look at. 2. Explain why you would observe them. 3. Draw what you think they would look like up close.

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