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Application Processing

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1 Application Processing
Your Logo Here Application Processing Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

2 How Do I Apply for Non-Profit Rental Housing or Rent Supplement?
Obtain application from local Regional Office. Fill out an application and mail, fax or hand deliver it to appropriate office. Only completed applications submitted with proof of income attached will be processed. Incomplete applications with no proof of income attached will be returned. Eligible applicants are notified in writing that their application is eligible, and placed on the waitlist.. Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

3 What is the Corporations Eligibility Criteria?
You must be 18 years or older Less than 32,500 annual income (verified by Option C printout from Revenue Canada) Live independently No arrears or issues with previous tenancy Must reside in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador at the time of application Internal Applicant Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

4 Waitlist Applicants During application processing the following information is reviewed; Waitlist priorities-There were 9 priority codes; now there are 26 (VOFV, Emergency, NL Housing Initiated, etc.) Date of application should only be used if all other applicant requirements are equal. Applicants selected for housing is based on greatest need. Number of locations selected (i.e. more locations, shorter wait time) Availability of bedroom count required. Housing composition-NL Housing follows the National Occupancy Standard when determining bedroom requirements for each applicant. Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

5 Will My Chance for Housing Increase the Longer my Application is on File?
Your application on the wait list will change, may increase or decrease, each time a new family/individual applies for housing depending on their priority as applications are not addressed on first come, first served basis. If priority should change, i.e. From EI (Low Income) to Medical A, your wait list status will also change. Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

6 Will I Have a Choice of Where I Want to Live?
NL Housing has designated particular geographic areas from which you can choose. You must select at least one area or more in which you wish to live. Although you may choose more than one area only one offer of housing will be made. The more areas you choose, the sooner you will be considered for suitable accommodations. A map outlining areas is attached with all applications. Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

7 How Long Will My Application be Kept on File?
Applications are valid for a period of twelve (12) months only, after which time the application shall expire and a new one would be required. Any refusal of accommodations within area of preference shall result in the application being cancelled for 12 months. Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

8 Selection Process Once a vacancy is determined an applicant will be considered based on their priority status, bedroom requirement and area of choice. Once an applicant has received confirmation for a unit, a request is forwarded to Maintenance to have the unit refurbished for occupancy. Unless it is a Rent Supplement unit; these units are refurbished by the private landlord. Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

9 Lease Process If the applicant accepts the offer; the following is required: Current verification of income (CPP, HRLE) is required Non-refundable rent receipt, if applicable An account in clear standing with NL Power A Housing Administration Officer will view the unit with the new tenant: Sign the lease Provide the keys Provide contact information if they have any further issues (i.e. Maintenance, rental payments, etc.) Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

10 Corporate Overview There are 7 Regional Offices around Newfoundland and Labrador Employees Province Wide; approximately 250 employed on the Avalon (Office/Maintenance). The Avalon Regional Office typically has between applicants on file with approximately 85% applicants requiring 1 and 2 bedrooms and 15% requiring 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms. Of the 3,171 public housing units, in the Avalon Region, 24% have 1 or 2 bedrooms and the remaining 76% are 3 bedrooms or more. Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

11 Corporate Overview Continued
There are 883 Rent Supplements on the Avalon (63%). 126 Seniors 74 Complex Service Needs Clients Average annual income is approximately (net) $12,218 Average monthly rent per household $297 55% HRLE clients 22% Pensioners 23% Wage earners Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

12 Corporate Overview Continued
Provincial Home Repair Program (PHRP) Affordable Housing Program Community Based Housing Researching Options; Currently piloting reconfiguration project on own units in low density areas. Exploring opportunities for alternate accommodations or home sharing with tenants who are over housed. Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

13 Contacts NL Housing 724-3000 Maintenance 724-3400
Ed O’Keefe Complex Service Needs Jackie Lindstrom 28/11/2018

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