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Daily Question: Will come later after you copy the agenda.

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1 Daily Question: Will come later after you copy the agenda.
March 16th, 2015 Thank you for not chewing gum  Today’s Agenda: Bell work Copy Agenda Pass back papers Review cell parts Intro to Microscopes Materials: Pencil, agenda, Science Notebook, worksheet Learning Target: Today we will review the parts of plant and animal cells by making a Venn diagram and begin learning how to use a microscope by learning the parts of a microscope. Daily Question: Will come later after you copy the agenda.

2 Weekly Agenda March 16-20 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Date 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 Classwork Cell Parts review Intro to Microscopes Microscopes- looking at microbes Microbes and disease Reward Day Homework Complete Plant or Animal cell project… due Thursday, 3-19 Review notes on cells and microscopes Complete Plant or Animal cell project… due Thurs, 3-19

3 animal plant Daily Question
Create a venn diagram in your science notebook comparing plant and animal cells. What are the similarities? What are the differences? animal plant

4 plant animal Daily Question Cell Wall Vacuole Cell membrane
Chloroplast Cell membrane Nucleus Nucleolus Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosomes Golgi bodies Mitochondria Cytoplasm Vesicles Cytoskeleton Peroxisome Centrioles Lysosomes

5 End of Quarter Reflection
Get out your end of quarter reflection and read it over so you remember what you wrote. Share it with your shoulder partner…you read theirs and they will read yours. Make sure you heading is on your paper. You will turn them in when finished…put them in the drawer.

6 Compare plant/animal cells
Plan for the day… Compare plant/animal cells Learn about the different parts of a microscope.


8 Prokaryotic: most simple cell
Prokaryotic: most simple cell. Bacteria - single-celled, DNA floating around Eukaryotic: more complex, genetic material (DNA) in nucleus, PLANTS AND ANIMALS Organelle: small “organs”, parts of the cell, all have a specific function

9 Cell Theory Robert Hooke: 1st person to coin the term “CELL”
Looked at cork under a microscope CELL means “little room”

10 Cell Theory All living things are composed of one or more cells.
Cells are an organisms’ basic unit of structure and function. Cells come only from existing cells.

11 Animal Cell

12 Plant Cell

Always carry the microscope by the arm and the base with two hands. ALWAYS start with the lowest magnification (low objective – red –X4). Lower the stage to its lowest point before placing a slide on the stage. Focus 1st using the coarse adjustment knob.

14 MICROSCOPE RULES Then use the fine adjustment knob.
Increase magnification by moving to the 10X objective (yellow). NEVER, I repeat NEVER, use the coarse adjustment knob when using the highest power objective (x40 – blue).

15 Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me Click on Me

16 #9 Ocular Lens—The part you look at with your eye
#9 Ocular Lens—The part you look at with your eye. Usually 10 X magnification. Click Here to Return to the Main Slide

17 #10 ARM– Used to safely transport microscope
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18 #11 Stage – Slides are placed on this
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19 #12 Coarse Adjustment – Used to make large changes in focus
#12 Coarse Adjustment – Used to make large changes in focus. NOTE Never use this when viewing on high power Click Here to Return to the Main Slide

20 #13 Fine Adjustment – Used to small adjustments of focus
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21 #14 Base – Used to safely transport the microscope
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22 #1 Tube – Reflects light up to the viewers eye
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23 #2 Rotating nosepiece – Allows for quick change of objectives
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24 #3 Low Power Objective – The first lens you use when doing proper microscope work. Usually 4 X
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25 #4 Medium Power Objective – The second lens you use when doing proper microscope work. Usually 10 X
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26 #5 High Power Objective – The highest magnification used. Usually 43 X
#5 High Power Objective – The highest magnification used. Usually 43 X. NEVER use the course adjustment when using this lens. Click Here to Return to the Main Slide

27 #6 Stage Clips – Use to keep the slide in place.
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28 #7 Diaphragm – Use to vary the amount of light passing through the slide. Usually it is better if the amount of light is low. Click Here to Return to the Main Slide

29 #8 Light Source – Sends light up through the diaphragm and through the slide for viewing
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30 #9 Ocular Lens—The part you look at with your eye
#9 Ocular Lens—The part you look at with your eye. Usually 10 X magnification. Click Here to Return to the Main Slide

31 #10 ARM– Used to safely transport microscope
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32 #11 Stage – Slides are placed on this
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33 #12 Coarse Adjustment – Used to make large changes in focus
#12 Coarse Adjustment – Used to make large changes in focus. NOTE Never use this when viewing on high power Click Here to Return to the Main Slide

34 #13 Fine Adjustment – Used to small adjustments of focus
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35 #14 Base – Used to safely transport the microscope
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36 #1 Tube – Reflects light up to the viewers eye
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37 #2 Rotating nosepiece – Allows for quick change of objectives
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38 #3 Low Power Objective – The first lens you use when doing proper microscope work. Usually 4 X
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39 #4 Medium Power Objective – The second lens you use when doing proper microscope work. Usually 10 X
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40 #5 High Power Objective – The highest magnification used. Usually 43 X
#5 High Power Objective – The highest magnification used. Usually 43 X. NEVER use the course adjustment when using this lens. Click Here to Return to the Main Slide

41 #6 Stage Clips – Use to keep the slide in place.
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42 #8 Light Source – Sends light up through the diaphragm and through the slide for viewing
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43 #7 Diaphragm – Use to vary the amount of light passing through the slide. Usually it is better if the amount of light is low. Click Here to Return to the Main Slide

Always carry the microscope by the arm and the base with two hands. ALWAYS start with the lowest magnification (low objective – red –X4). Lower the stage to its lowest point before placing a slide on the stage. Focus 1st using the coarse adjustment knob.

45 MICROSCOPE RULES Then use the fine adjustment knob.
Increase magnification by moving to the 10X objective (yellow). NEVER, I repeat NEVER, use the coarse adjustment knob when using the highest power objective (x40 – blue).

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