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by Martin de Boer, Egbert Bakker, Stefaan Van Lierde, and Dirk Roos

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1 by Martin de Boer, Egbert Bakker, Stefaan Van Lierde, and Dirk Roos
Somatic Triple Mosaicism in a Carrier of X-Linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease by Martin de Boer, Egbert Bakker, Stefaan Van Lierde, and Dirk Roos Blood Volume 91(1): January 1, 1998 ©1998 by American Society of Hematology

2 Martin de Boer et al. Blood 1998;91:252-257
©1998 by American Society of Hematology

3 Martin de Boer et al. Blood 1998;91:252-257
©1998 by American Society of Hematology

4 Size analysis of PCR products from cDNA.
Size analysis of PCR products from cDNA. Primers were chosen on exon 4 and exon 10 (Table 1). The PCR products were separated in agarose and visualized with ethidium bromide. Lane 1 contains material from a healthy control donor, lane 2 from the youngest patient, lane 3 from the eldest patient, lane 4 from the mother of the patients, and lane 5 from the maternal grandmother of the patients. Lane M contains size markers of 100 bp. Martin de Boer et al. Blood 1998;91: ©1998 by American Society of Hematology

5 Localization of deletions in the CYBB gene of the two patients.
Localization of deletions in the CYBB gene of the two patients. The shaded area indicates the deletions, comprising a 3.5-kb nucleotide stretch from intron 5 to intron 7 in patient 1 (the eldest brother) and a 3.0-kb nucleotide stretch from intron 4 to intron 5 in patient 2 (the youngest brother). The deletions overlap for 35 bp. Martin de Boer et al. Blood 1998;91: ©1998 by American Society of Hematology

6 Size analysis of PCR products from genomic DNA
Size analysis of PCR products from genomic DNA. Primer 1 (sense) was chosen on intron 4, primer 2 (antisense) on intron 5, primer 3 (sense) on intron 5 and primer 4 (antisense) on intron 7 (for positions, see Fig 3; for compositions, see Table 1). Size analysis of PCR products from genomic DNA. Primer 1 (sense) was chosen on intron 4, primer 2 (antisense) on intron 5, primer 3 (sense) on intron 5 and primer 4 (antisense) on intron 7 (for positions, see Fig 3; for compositions, see Table 1). Primers 2 and 3 hybridize with DNA sequences within the deletions of patient 1 and patient 2, respectively (Fig 3). Therefore, PCR (a), with primers 3 and 4, only leads to product formation with DNA from patient 1 (not with DNA from a healthy control donor because these primers then hybridize too far apart to lead to product formation under the PCR conditions used). PCR (b), with primers 2 and 3, only leads to product formation with DNA from a healthy control donor. PCR (c), with primers 1 and 2, only leads to product formation with DNA from patient 2. The figure shows the results of PCR (a), (b), and (c) obtained with DNA from a healthy control donor, patient 1 (the eldest brother), patient 2 (the youngest brother), the mother of the patients (3), and the maternal grandmother of the patients (4). The four lanes marked M contain size markers of 100 bp. Martin de Boer et al. Blood 1998;91: ©1998 by American Society of Hematology

7 Pedigree of the CGD family.
Pedigree of the CGD family. Haplotype analysis was performed with X-chromosome-specific markers flanking the CYBB gene, ie, two CA repeats in the DMD gene and one Msp I polymorphism in the OTC gene. Martin de Boer et al. Blood 1998;91: ©1998 by American Society of Hematology

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