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Evolution- Unit 2 CDA Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution- Unit 2 CDA Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution- Unit 2 CDA Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Principles and evidences of Evolution
Life theories Structures Principles and evidences of Evolution Cladograms Surprise box 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 Topic 1 – 10 Points QUESTION: Pasteur used sterile broth to demonstrate biogenesis. What did he prove by his experiment? ANSWER: only living things can produce other living things

4 Topic 1 – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection contradicted Lamarck’s popular theory of acquired characteristics. According to the theory of natural selection, organisms best adapted to their environment survive due to __________________ ANSWER: Adaptations

5 Topic 1 – 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: anaerobic prokaryote
The atmosphere of early earth was thought to have been made up of hydrogen gas, ammonia gas, methane and water vapor. Based on this atmosphere, which type of organism most likely evolved first? Choose between Aerobic and anaerobic, and choose from Prokaryote and Eukarote ANSWER: anaerobic prokaryote

6 Topic 1 – 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
The image below represent which evolutionary theory? ANSWER: Endosymbiosis

7 Topic 1 – 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Amino acids
Below is an illustration of Miller and Urey experiment: As a result of this experiment, what building blocks for life blocks for life formed in the flask: ANSWER: Amino acids

8 Topic 2 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: a) have a common ancestor
The similarity of these structures suggests that the organisms_____________________ ANSWER: a) have a common ancestor

9 Topic 2 – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: The forelimbs represent:
b) homologous Structures

10 Topic 2 – 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
The pelvic bones in a whale and the leg buds in a snake are examples of _____________________ ANSWER: c) vestigial structures

11 Topic 2 – 40 Points QUESTION: Fossil records can be studied to determine how organisms change through time. Which of the following could least likely be accomplished by studying the fossil record? Comparing behavior patterns of organisms Dating organisms by the relative position of their fossils Comparing homologous structures of organisms Determining when extinction of a species occurred ANSWER: a. comparing behavior patterns of organisms

12 Topic 2 – 50 Points QUESTION: What factor within a species increases the likelihood that some members of a species will survive when environmental conditions change? ANSWER: variation

13 Topic 3 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
In Order for Evolution to occur, what needs to happen in a population? ANSWER: C) natural selection

14 Topic 3 – 20 Points QUESTION: In a mouse population inhabiting a grassland area, change occurs that results in a new fur color. Which of the following factors has the greatest effect on whether the new fur color will become more common over time in the mouse population? Whether abundant food is available in the grassland Whether the new fur color is an acquired characteristic Whether the rate of reproduction in the mouse population is stable Whether the new fur color increases the survival of mice in their environment. ANSWER: d

15 Topic 3 – 30 Points QUESTION: Which graph would best
illustrate an expected change in the finch population if the environment changes to favor small beaks A B C ANSWER: b. directional selection

16 Topic 3 – 40 Points QUESTION: which graph best
Illustrate Stabilizing selection within the finch population? a. b. c. ANSWER: a) Stabilizing selection

17 Topic 3 – 50 Points Biological change occurs quickly over a short period of time and is followed by long periods of little or no change. Which method of evolution does this describe? Answer: Punctuated Equilibrium

18 Topic 4 – 10 Points QUESTION: According to the cladogram, what characteristic distinguishes the Perch from the Salamander? Lungs Lungs

19 Topic 4 – 20 Points Question: what characteristic do all organisms shown have in common? Jaws

20 Topic 4 – 30 Points QUESTION: What characteristic do only mouse and chimp share? Fur; mammary glands

21 Topic 4 – 40 Points QUESTION: Which organisms are most closely related? The organisms that are side by side on the cladogram

22 Topic 4 – 50 Points QUESTION: The table below indicates the number of AA that differ in the AA sequence for hemoglobin from selected organisms when compared to human hemoglobin. Based on this information, which Organism is most closely related Humans? Species Number of Amino-acid differences Lamprey 135 Frog 77 Dog 42 Macaque 18 Macaque

23 Topic 5 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Pasteur used sterile broth to demonstrate biogenesis. Which one of the following statements best describe the results of this experiment? A) only living things can produce other living things B) organic molecules could be produced from gases C) meteorites brought the first organic molecules to Earth D) Organic reactions in deep-sea volcanic vents preceded life’s emergence ANSWER: A

24 Topic 5 – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Whose Scientific theory BEST explains why some ducks have webbed feet? Plato Lamarck Malthus Darwin/Wallace ANSWER:

25 Topic 5 – 30 Points QUESTION: What primary factor on earth resulted in the end of one geologic time period and beginning of another? ANSWER: Extinctions/ the impact of a meteor

26 Topic 5 – 40 Points QUESTION:
What evolutionary adaptation had the greatest impact on organisms moving from aquatic environments to terrestrial environment? ANSWER: b. the development of an amniotic egg

27 Topic 5 – 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: d
Which two organisms best illustrate convergent evolution? Lion and zebra Horse and dog Jellyfish and shark Shark and penguin ANSWER: d

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