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Audio-visual media in L2 teaching News clips. What media do you use? Web-based audio and audio-visual files from one or more media Sources: newspapers,

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Presentation on theme: "Audio-visual media in L2 teaching News clips. What media do you use? Web-based audio and audio-visual files from one or more media Sources: newspapers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Audio-visual media in L2 teaching News clips

2 What media do you use? Web-based audio and audio-visual files from one or more media Sources: newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, YouTube, Vimeo and others. 2

3 How do you use it? The audio and audio-visual news clips are the base for a research Students present their research in an oral presentation Level: B2-C1 CEFR 3

4 Why do you use it? 4 Vocabulary expansion Enhances learners knowledge on Social Sciences topics Access to a wider score of registers, accents and language varieties of the Spanish language Development of critical skills through analysis of different sources It can be done outside the classroom

5 What are the benefits? 5 Allows access to a wider score of registers, accents and language varieties of the Spanish language Allows to link the topical based course content with key current issues Provides a phonological/pronunciation sample Develops students critical skills Development of listening and mediation skills Develops students knowledge of current issues in Spanish speaking societies

6 What are the challenges? Links may disappear from the web High dependency on equipment working properly (sound/image quality) Obsolescence of sources/time consuming for teacher: need to review and update news regularly (sometimes even during a single academic year). 6

7 What are the technical requirements? A computer or digital devices Access to the Internet 7

8 What is the teachers evaluation? A necessary resource in language teaching to develop students awareness of current social, political, economic and cultural issues and their linguistic competence 8

9 What is the students evaluation? Students value highly the use of current news items Difficulty at first to get used to linguistic features specific to news broadcasting (i.e speed, accent, vocabulary) 9

10 What is the copyright implication? No copyright implications in educational contexts. Clips are available on the web 10

11 Any further comments? 11

12 Recommendations 12

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