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  Social Interactions that Produce Deep Holistic Learning for Life Long Transformative Learning Experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "  Social Interactions that Produce Deep Holistic Learning for Life Long Transformative Learning Experiences."— Presentation transcript:

1   Social Interactions that Produce Deep Holistic Learning for Life Long Transformative Learning Experiences

2 “Transformative learning is not possible in isolation” (Ross-Gordon, Gordon, Alston, Dawson, & Van Aacken, 2015).

3 INTRODUCTION Transformative Learning Through Deep Social Communication
Outline: How social interactions are enhanced with communication Social interaction activity Share interactions and give feedback Critical reflection Transformative Learning Through Deep Social Communication

4 Engagement Deep Learning Trust
Communicate How social interactions are enhanced with communication Engagement Fostering ideas Teamwork Building relationships Deep Learning Understand other’s intrinsic feelings Paradigm shift Trust Developed through interactions Life long learning Sustainable relationships

5 Activity ! Break down into groups of four Select someone from the group to interview Communicate with each other for five minutes each One serve as interviewer and the other practice active listening Switch roles after five minutes Share with the group of four what you have learned

6 Tell me about your favorite vacation
Topic Tell me about your favorite vacation

7 1 2 3 4 5 What did we learn What was the vacation Who was involved
What was repeated What do they value Is there a connection

8 1 How do we apply this in the classroom and work place?
11/28/2018 4:39 AM 1 How do we apply this in the classroom and work place? Open Communication Take time to have an open ear © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

9 Several details can be missed
2 Put the phones aside Engagement Several details can be missed

10 Make it a regular activity
3 Make it a regular activity Deep Understanding Foster new ideas Innovate

11 Open Dialogue Builds Trust Team Work More Efficient Trust Feels Good

12 This further implies that authentic communication and authentic relationships should be salient features of the community in which transformative learning occurs.  (Cotton, 2017)

13 References Cotten, G. (2017). The role of authentic communication in moral development and transformative education: Reflections on a case study. Journal of Thought, 51(1), ,68. Retrieved from Lear, J. L., Hodge, K. A., & Schulz, S. A. (2015). Talk to me!! Effective, efficient communication. The Journal of Research in Business Education, 57 (1), Retrieved from research-in-business-education Ross-Gordon, J., Gordon, S., Alston, G., Dawson, K., & Van Aacken, C. (2015). Efforts to transform learning and learners: the first decade of an innovative doctoral program. Journal of Thought, 49 (1), 52-70, Retrieved from ?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

14 Dissertation: Tim Ellis Doctoral Candidate
American College of Education Dissertation: The Benefits of Deploying Transformative Learning Techniques in Higher Education at the University of Central Oklahoma: A Mixed Methods Study

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