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LI: Use modal verbs and adverbs of possibility.

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Presentation on theme: "LI: Use modal verbs and adverbs of possibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 LI: Use modal verbs and adverbs of possibility.
Friday 19th January LI: Use modal verbs and adverbs of possibility. Success Criteria After AFL

2 AFL: Write 3 sentences about the wreckage of the Titanic and what we have learnt about the Titanic using modal verbs and adverbs of possibility.

3 Friday 19th January LI: Use modal verbs and adverbs of possibility.
Success Criteria I understand that modal verbs and adverbs of possibility are words that show how possible something is likely to happen. I understand that these words have different degrees of possibility. I can use modal verbs correctly to how the likelihood of something happening. I can use adverbs of possibility correctly to show the likelihood of something happening.

4 Modal verbs and adverbs
Modal verbs show degrees of possibility or probability. Modal adverbs add additional meaning to the modal verb.

5 They work well in pairs Everybody knows, you should always wear gloves when using a sparkler. Lighting a bonfire will usually be dangerous. Dangerous because it involves using matches, so an adult must definitely do that job!

6 https://safeshare. tv/submit. url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww. youtube
%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DoYNkpPVxMBE %2Fwatch%3Fv%3D2HvimJDj5Lc

7 Write a section about the Wreckage using modal verbs and adverbs of possibility.

8 Conclusion (without a sub-heading) Remember sum up and look to the future.
One of worst ocean disasters of modern history 1503 died Enquiries held – recommended: must have lifeboats enough people / radio manned 24 hours / regular lifeboat drills/ speed reduced icy foggy

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