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Boy in the Striped Pajamas

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1 Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Chapters 1 and 2

2 chaos Chaos-disorder (p. 2) noun Sentence from the book:
“....and could remember causing any chaos at all”(2). “In fact over the last few day he had behaved in a perfectly decent manner to everyone and couldn’t remember causing any chaos at all”(2). ... Your sentence The chaos and disorder of second hall makes it difficult to walk during passing periods.

3 frustration Frustration- annoyance
The feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. “She sighed and threw her hands in the air in frustration before marching back to the staircase, followed by Bruno, who wasn’t going to let the matter drop without an explanation.”(2) I sometimes feel like screaming with frustration when I get too much homework. I feel frustration when I'm sleepy.

4 dismissively Dismissively- indifferently; not caring
Said mother, waving her hand in the air dismissively, as if the making of a boys three best friends for life was an easy thing.(8) The teacher acted dismissively when she told the bleeding students to “suck it up” and keep working.

5 presumed Presumed- supposed (pg. To guess what is going on. “... he presumed that they were because they could hardly be left behind” (10) He saw a gentleman whom he presumed to be a director.

6 desolate Desolate- lifeless, nothing is around, empty “... desolate place and there were no other houses anywhere to be seen” (11) This will make many people feel desolate and depressed at a time they need to see their loved ones daily.

7 restrictions Restrictions- limitations
I can buy 5 video games only because thats is the restrictions .

8 foreseeable Foreseeable- Future
In the foreseeable future Donald Trump will be our President. 1968 ×

9 priorities Priorities/ Preference
A thing that is regarded as more important than another . “Housework didn’t figure high on her list of priorities”

10 muster assemble (troops), especially for inspection or in preparation for battle. To gather or gain I had to muster courage before I fought the bully.

11 content content-satisfied When you are happy
I am content and happy when I spend time with my family.

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