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Big Questions Work with your table group to develop one “big question” you have about Night so far. When you are sure of your question, send up a representative.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Questions Work with your table group to develop one “big question” you have about Night so far. When you are sure of your question, send up a representative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Questions Work with your table group to develop one “big question” you have about Night so far. When you are sure of your question, send up a representative to write it in one of the spaces. One: Two: Three: Four:

2 Write down one aspect of Night so far that frustrated you
Write it down, crumple it up, and shoot it into the recycling bin

3 Write down one aspect of Night so far that disturbed you
Write it down, crumple it up, and shoot it into the recycling bin

4 Write down why you think Elie Wiesel wrote this story
Write it down, crumple it up, and walk to one side of the room

5 Please throw your crumpled paper to the other side of the room, and pick up one of the papers you find on the floor Then, return to your seat.

6 Purpose—why an author writes a text
To surprise To enlighten To entertain To scare To call to action To warn To anger To inspire

7 Tone—the attitude the writer has towards the subject
Angry Betrayed Annoyed Happy Grateful Mournful Apologetic Optimistic

8 Mood—the way the author leaves the reader feeling
Angry Sad Happy Suspicious Hopeful Pessimistic Relieved Annoyed

9 Read the prologue. As you read complete the reflection
Whatever you do not finish is homework for tonight

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