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Spotlight on: Poetry Anthology Comparison

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1 Spotlight on: Poetry Anthology Comparison
E.Q: What will the exam question ask me to do? E.Q: What does a ‘good’ answer need?

2 Language Paper 2 Questions
How many different types of text could you be asked to write in Paper 2 Section B? What are the names of the types of text you could be asked to write? What are the marks for Q1 – Q4 in Section A? How long should you spend on the summary question? When is your Paper 2 exam?

3 Poetry Anthology Question
Spend 45 minutes on this question. 30 marks available. Read the question before you read the poem that has been given to you. Highlight the key words in the question.

4 Read the printed poem 3 times.
Spend 10 – 15 minutes reading and annotating the poem. Read the printed poem. Identify the type of relationship (parent/child or romantic). Read the poem again and find one method that sums up the nature of the relationship – underline it. Read it again and annotate: language, structure and context.

5 Using the list of poems in the exam paper, cross out all the poems that don’t match the type of relationship in the printed poem. Pick the poem you are going to compare the printed poem to.

6 Plan your answer. Mind map the two poems. Include similarities and differences in language, structure and context.

7 Write your answer out. Spend the remaining 30 minutes doing this. Compare from the beginning to the end. Introduction – what the poems are about, who the speakers are, what kind of relationships are discussed. 2– 5: Paragraphs that analyse and compare the language, structure, form and context. Evaluate the poems. Which shows the relationship more effectively in your opinion? What is the ‘enduring impression’ about the relationships in the poems?

8 The mark scheme Clear comparison of content
Clear comparison of methods Clear explanation of effect of methods Use the mark scheme to structure your paragraphs tadeas, themes, contexts (the link to the question) Content: Who is speaking About what or whom In what situation What happens Feelings of the speaker

9 The mark scheme Methods: Language – Mood/atmosphere Description
Colours Nature imagery Religion Metaphors Similes Structure – Beginnings/endings Change Rhyme scheme Length of lines/phrases Enjambment Clear comparison of content Clear comparison of methods Clear explanation of effect of methods Use the mark scheme to structure your paragraphs ideas, themes, contexts (the link to the question)

10 The mark scheme Explanation of effect: Create imagery Create tone
Create mood/atmosphere Show writer’s viewpoint Show character’s viewpoint Provoke emotion Evoke the senses Gain/keep the reader’s attention Clear comparison of content Clear comparison of methods Clear explanation of effect of methods Use the mark scheme to structure your paragraphs tadeas, themes, contexts (the link to the question)

11 Example Questions Compare the ways poets present ideas about romantic love in ‘Neutral Tones’ and in one other poem from ‘Love and Relationships’. Compare the way poets present ideas about family in ‘Follower’ and one other poem from ‘Love and Relationships’. Compare the way poets present ideas about getting older in ‘Climbing my Grandfather’ and one other poem from ‘Love and Relationships’.

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