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Vocabulary Level E: Unit 13.

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1 Vocabulary Level E: Unit 13.
Welcome back from vacation!

2 Antipathy-(n) strong dislike
This very smart baby has an intense antipathy for Miley Cyrus’s music.

3 Applicable-(adj) relevant; having to do with
Make sure your answers are applicable to the question asked.

4 Asset-(n) something of value; a resource
This young lady’s speed-talking abilities are an asset in debate.

5 Beset-(v) to attack from all sides; to surround
People beset by problems should never ask “What else could go wrong?”.

6 Compassion-(n) sympathy for another’s suffering
This man has incredible compassion for the baby ducks he saved.

7 Decorum-(n) proper behavior
A good sense of decorum will help keep you from embarrassing yourself in public.

8 You should only call 911 if you are under duress from a real threat.
Duress-(n) threat You should only call 911 if you are under duress from a real threat.

9 Exuberant-(adj) enthusiastic
This boy, who scares me more than a little bit, is quite exuberant over the gift of his Nintendo 64.

10 Facsimile-(n) an exact copy
Photoshop can be used to create exact facsimiles of images.

11 It’s important to imbibe a lot of liquids after a tough game.
Imbibe-(v) to drink It’s important to imbibe a lot of liquids after a tough game.

12 Implacable-(adj) not to be stopped; persistent
The HMS Implacable was known as one of the most ruthless and successful warships of her day.

13 Infinitesimal- (adj) tiny; miniscule
Sometimes, nature makes adorable things in infinitesimal packages.

14 Innocuous-(adj) harmless; insignificant

15 Militate-(v) have an effect or force on or against
Being able to militate people’s decisions can lead to success in life.

16 Patent-(adj) plain;open to view (n) exclusive rights over an invention
Some football players have patent touchdown celebrations.

17 Prowess-(n) superior skill or bravery
This man is showing off his juggling prowess (and making me feel like a slacker!).

18 Sedate-(adj) quiet, settled
The sloth is a very sedate animal and, yes, that’s about as fast as they can move.

19 Stentorian-(adj) extremely loud
Martin Luther King Jr. was known as being an incredibly stentorian speaker.

20 This teacher is stipulating her class rules.
Stipulate- to arrange specifically; to require as a condition of agreement This teacher is stipulating her class rules.

21 Ultimatum- (n)a final proposal or statement of conditions.
This road sign gives an effective ultimatum to drivers.

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