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Is that technology?.

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1 Is that technology?









10 The Engineering Design Process!
Intro to Sci. and Tech. 6th Grade U3L1&2

11 Technology… The application of science for practical purposes Can be simple or complex

12 Engineering The application of science and math to solve real-life problems and improve our quality of life Chemical engineers- Develop chemical products Electrical engineers – Use computers and machines Biomedical engineers - Design medical devices like X-rays and prosthetics

13 Science vs. Engineering
Study of natural world involves designed, man-made world

14 MATH is important in engineering (read p. 118, third pgh) (do #8 & 10)
Advances in science can lead to new or improved technology through engineering MATH is important in engineering (read p. 118, third pgh) (do #8 & 10) In solving real-world problems, engineers think about… (pg. 119, all) CONSTRAINTS – limitations Ex. Only so much budget, laws of physics, etc. TRADE-OFFS – giving up one advantage to keep another Ex. Cost vs. strength of bridge

15 What skills make a good engineer?
1. Thinking skills Thinking creatively Coming up with new ways of doing things Thinking methodically Thinking in an organized way and paying attention to details 2. Technical skills Using math and models Prototype = a test model of a project Using technology Tools, equipment, software, etc. 3. Research skills To see how problems have been solved in the past, new materials, processes

16 Good morning, 6th Grade! Please turn in your vocab (if you haven’t already!) Then pick up an envelope from the front desk. You and your partner can share an envelope. Try and put the steps in your envelope in order!

17 The Engineering Design Process
1. Identify a need 2. Conduct research 3. Brainstorm solutions 4. Select a solution to try 5. Try the solution (build a prototype) 6. Test and evaluate 7. Redesign to improve 8. Communicate your results

18 Lesson 2 – Methods of Analysis

19 1. Risk-benefit analysis
Compares unfavorable effects (risks) and favorable effects (benefits) Risks Benefits

20 2. Life Cycle Analysis Evaluation of materials & energy needed for technology – done to account for environmental effects Manufacture? Transportation? Sale? Use? Disposal? Manufacture Transportation Sale Use Disposal

21 3. Pugh Chart Table used to compare features of multiple items Feature

22 Effects of Technology Technology can have expected and unexpected effects on … Society The environment The economy Technology can have favorable (good) or unfavorable (bad) Do pg. 133

23 Trade-offs Accepting risks in exchange for benefits
Giving up one benefit to gain another

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