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1 Progressivism

2 Organizing Progressives
Saw problems in industrial society, wanted to fix them Problem #1: Laissez-Faire Economics Progressives came from both political parties Middle class, educated, urban Muckrakers: journalists who investigate social problems Gov’t needs to fix problems, but gov’t also needs fixing Progressives did not always agree on how to fix probs.


4 Government Reforms Make gov’t more efficient, like businesses
Reforms to city government City Commission or City Council with Managers Democratic Reforms: Direct Primaries Initiative Referendum Recall Woman Suffrage: giving women the right to vote

5 Woman Suffrage When Congress passed the 14th and 15th Amendments, women try to be included…Congress refuses. Two strategies emerge: National Woman Suffrage Assoc.: Constitutional Am. American Woman Suffrage Assoc.: State laws for voting 1890: Both groups merge into NAWSA Women march, picket, and protest for suffrage : Congress passes suffrage amendment August 26, 1920: Nineteenth Amendment ratified


7 Labor Reforms Social Problems: crime, illiteracy, alcoholism, child labor, health and safety States pass laws restricting child labor and compulsory public education Adult working conditions were also bad: Worker’s Compensation Funds Supreme Court gives gov’t right to limit working hours for women, not for men Triangle Shirtwaist Co. Fire, new labor laws passed Zoning laws and health codes


9 Temperance & Prohibition
Progressives notice many problems stem from alcohol Temperance movement: advocates ending alcohol abuse/consumption/production 1911: Women’s Christian Temperance Union has 250,000 members (Frances Willard) Prohibition: laws banning the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages


11 Progressives vs. Big Business
Sherman Anti Trust Act of 1890: Break up big businesses to allow for more competition Some just want businesses better regulated, not busted Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)-Railroads Eugene V. Debs: advocates socialism for businesses that affect everyone Ran for president in 1912, won over a million votes

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