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Balancing School Culture and Academics in the 21st Century

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Presentation on theme: "Balancing School Culture and Academics in the 21st Century"— Presentation transcript:

1 Balancing School Culture and Academics in the 21st Century
Dr. Adam Auerbach Wolf Meadow Elementary School

2 Today you will… Hear practical strategies to incorporate into everyday practice to: recruit, retain and develop staff members Foster positive school culture Increase student achievement Reflect on your own practice and goals for your school

3 Who is this guy? Former elementary teacher
BA in Elementary Education from UF Masters in Elementary Education from UNCC Former elementary and high school AP MSA from UNCC, Ed.S and Ed.D from Wingate Principal at Wolf Meadow for the last 5 years 2015 Cabarrus County and Regional POY

4 Why is this important? Nobody is teaching for the pay or current political prestige.

5 Most Valuable Resource

6 What is Academic Press The emphasis on learning and growth.
Keeping the pedal down

7 What is school culture? "Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.” Obi-Wan Kenobi

8 Staff Morale


10 Cultural Leader We always hear about being an instructional leader.
The principal should be the cultural leader of the school.

11 Academic Press and Culture
Imagine 3 different schools: All Press Elementary All Culture Elementary Balanced Elementary Which is more important? Which is easier to create, implement and monitor?

12 Community of Caring for Students
No more pity Discipline, rules, high expectations Empower teachers, streamline paperwork Consequences and rewards Share results Make school a place students want to be, and suspension is a deterrent Physically and procedurally change the school Branding

13 Branding Mascot- funraiser and fundraiser SWAG
Advertising and Promotion Instant recognition

14 Branding

15 Core Instructional Structures
Master Schedule Classroom assignments and structures Instructional time Staff attendance Arrival and dismissal procedures Breakfast and lunch procedures

16 Table talk How does building a community of caring for students impact core instructional structures and vice versa? How do you build a community of caring at your school? How do you establish your core instructional structures?

17 Professional Culture Yearly themes Focused PD areas
Every room, every day Formal observations PLC structures Facility improvements Extra staff

18 Quality Instruction and Robust Curriculum
Use real data Share with staff Benchmarks Units of study Lead Teachers

19 Table talk How does building a professional culture impact quality instruction/ robust curriculum and vice versa? How do you build a professional culture at your school? How do you establish quality instruction?

20 SIP vs. Reality School Improvement Plans are required at every school.
There are academic goals, timelines, strategies, etc. Cultural Improvement Plan

21 The School Year Think strategically about the year
Time for culture, time for press Principal has to have their finger on the pulse of the school. When are times of the year to focus on culture? When are times to press?

22 Homework… What can you do tomorrow to grow your school’s overall culture? What areas of your school culture need more help? What do you need to get it done? Who can help you? Is it worth it?

23 Remember… “People quit people, before they quit companies.”
The #1 reason teachers leave teaching is working conditions. You are the cultural leader in your building. Create a culture that everyone wants to be a part of.

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