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Ten Steps to a Good PowerPoint

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Presentation on theme: "Ten Steps to a Good PowerPoint"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ten Steps to a Good PowerPoint

2 Don’t put too much information on each slide.
Don’t use more than 15 slides.

3 Choosing size of font and color of text is important.
The style of the font is important.

4 Keep text short on each slide.
Remember the 5/5/5 rule. No more than: 5 words on each line, 5 lines of text on each slide, and 5 text-heavy slides in a row.

5 Choose fonts that are easy to read.

6 Change the format of slides: use bullets, charts, and numbers.

7 Show the PowerPoint in a room with a lot of light.
Choose dark text on a light colored background.

8 The most important information should be in the title box at the top of each slide.

9 Don’t read everything in your PowerPoint presentation to your audience.

10 Don’t use too many animations.

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