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Design Challenge I: Hardware/Software Co-design
In complex systems, software developers must often wait for the hardware design to be finalized before they can begin detailed coding. Software developers must also wait for devices (ICs and printed circuit boards) to be manufactured to test their code in a realistic environment. This dependency creates a long critical path that may add so much financial risk to a project that it is never started.
Design Challenge II: Hardware Implementation
A system engineer writes a C or C++ model of the system to verify the concepts and algorithms at the system level. The parts of the C/C++ model to be implemented in hardware are manually converted to a VHDL or Verilog description for actual hardware implementation.
Problems with the Current Methodology
Manual Conversion from C to HDL Creates Errors The designer: creates the C model, verifies that the C model works as expected, and translates the design manually into an HDL. This is very tedious and error prone. Disconnect Between System Model and HDL Model After conversion, the HDL model becomes the focus of development. The C model quickly becomes out of date as changes are made. Typically changes are made only to the HDL model and not implemented in the C model. Multiple System Tests Tests that are created to validate the C model functionality typically cannot be run against the HDL model without conversion. Not only does the designer have to convert the C model to HDL, but the test suite has to be converted to the HDL environment as well.
Concurrency support is missing (HW is inherently parallel)
Why not just C++? Concurrency support is missing (HW is inherently parallel) No notion of time (clock, delays) Communication model is very different from actual HW model (signals) Weak/complex reactivity to events Missing data types (logic values, bit vectors, fixed point math) PLAIN VANILLA C++ IS NOT USABLE!
Objectives: Challenge: SystemC Objectives
Model HW with SW programming language Achieve fast simulation Provide support for Hardware modeling Hardware/software system design Challenge: Give hardware semantics to software models!
Object-oriented style
SystemC C++ extensions C++ class library (libsystemc.a), which also delivers a modeling methodology HW semantics defined through the class library SystemC code is C++ code and can be freely mixed with C++ code Object-oriented style Basic component models (reusable!) Inheritance, polymorphism, templates,... Usually translated into traditional HDLs for hardware synthesis
SystemC Infrastructure
What is SystemC SystemC is a C++ class library and a methodology that you can use to effectively create a model of software algorithms, hardware architecture, and system-level designs. The SystemC Class Library has been developed by a group of companies forming the Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI): semiconductor + EDA companies Since 2011, merging with “Accellera” standards organization into the “Accellera Systems Initiative” You can use SystemC and standard C++ development tools to create a system-level model, quickly simulate to validate and optimize the design, provide the hardware and software development teams with an executable specification of the system. An executable specification is essentially a C++ program that exhibits the same behavior as the system when executed.
Benefits of Executable Specification
Avoids inconsistency and errors and helps ensure completeness of the specification. because you are essentially creating a program that behaves the same way as the system. Ensures unambiguous interpretation Whenever implementers are in doubt about the design, they can run the executable specification to determine what the system is supposed to be doing. Helps validate system functionality before implementation begins. Helps create early performance models of the system and validate system performance. Its testbench can be refined (or used as is) to test the implementation of the specification. This can provide tremendous benefits to implementers and drastically reduce the time for implementation verification.
SystemC highlights Supports hardware and software co-design Developing an executable specification avoids inconsistency and errors Avoids wrong interpretation of the specification SystemC has a rich set of data types for you to model your systems It allows multiple abstraction levels, from high level design down to cycle-accurate RTL level
SystemC and the Hardware/software co-design challenge
Hardware Software Co-design
Bebefits of using SystemC: Ability to start refining and testing software earlier, thereby reducing the overall development cycle. Ability to provide earlier and more realistic hardware/software trade off studies at a time when changes are easier, thus improving overall system quality. Ability to deliver executable models to customers both for validating the specification and driving changes, and acceleration of product adoption. Ability to cancel (or redefine) an unrealistic project before spending even larger sums of money
SystemC and the Hardware Implementation Challenge
Refinement Methodology: The design is not converted from a C level description to an HDL in one large effort. The design is slowly refined in small sections to add the necessary hardware and timing constructs to produce a good design. Using this refinement methodology, the designer can more easily implement design changes and detect bugs during refinement.
SystemC and the Hardware Implementation Challenge
Written in a Single Language the designer does not have to be an expert in multiple languages. SystemC allows modeling from the system level to RTL. Higher Productivity because the designer can model at a higher level. smaller code, that is easier to write and simulates faster than traditional modeling environments Testbenches can be reused from the system level model to the RTL model Saving conversion time. gives the designer a higher confidence that the system level and the RTL model implement the same functionality.
SystemC Synthesis SystemC is not “born” to be a language for HW implementation (like Verilog & VHDL) Basic idea: define synthesizable SystemC subset Make it another refinement step Commercial translation tools are available From TLM to RTL From RTL to Verilog/VHDL [Celoxica 2005]
SystemC contrasted with other design languages
matlab Vera e Sugar Jeda SystemVerilog VHDL Verilog Fermati qua. VHDL ha un buco nella functional verification? Due aspetti: Testbench Assertion Il verilog e vhdl è debole nelle assertion. Non sono ricche E potenti come le assertion in system verilog. Puoi scrivere dei Programmi che controllano sequenziamento di transazioni E segnali. Vera è un linguaggio solo per la verifica. SI aggiungono a Verilog e VHDL Per specificare testbench e asserzioni. Matlab inteso come simulink e state-flow: specifica di blocchi.
Levels of Abstraction Raising LOA is necessary for managing complexity.
Open Community Licensing
How to get SystemC ? V.2.3.0
SystemC - contd
Language Architecture
C++ Language Standard Core Language Module Ports Processes Events Interfaces Channels Event-driven simulation kernel Data types Bits and bit-vectors Arbitrary precision integers Fixed-point numbers 4-valued logic types, logic-vectors C++ user defined types Elementary Channels Signal, Timer, Mutex, Semaphore, FIFO, etc Channels for MoCs Kahn process networks, SDF, etc Methodology-specific Channels Master/Slave library
No Syntax Extensions SystemC is able to model HW components without extending C++ language syntax
Typical Programming Model
A set of modules interacting through communication channels Module I/O Ports Communication channels (e.g., signals) Design May be connected to other designs or to a testbench
Ports (sc_in<>, sc_out<>, sc_inout<>)
Modules Modules (sc_module) Fundamental structural entity Map functionality of HW/SW blocks Contain processes (functionality) Contain other modules (creating hierarchy) Communicate through ports/IF/channels Ports (sc_in<>, sc_out<>, sc_inout<>) Modules in turn have ports Ports have types Port types are template parameters
Module Structure PROCESS MODULE Channel (implements an IF)
Port (accesses a channel’s IF) MODULE PROCESS Interface Algorithm (reads data from input ports and writes data to output ports) Can be made sensitive to input ports or to other signals (e.g., clock)
Modules in SystemC Actually, a C++ class definition!
Typical Programming Model
Some modules can be hierarchical…. Module Design Module Design ..that is, they contain yet another structural view, not a functional one
Processes Processes Functionality is described in a process
Implemented as member functions Processes run concurrently Code inside a process executes sequentially SystemC has three different types of processes SC_METHOD SC_THREAD SC_CTHREAD Macros telling the scheduler (i.e., the simulation engine) how to handle such processes
Processes Sensitivity list:
List of ports that a process is sensitive to Processes registered with “SystemC Simulation Kernel” at run-time Name of the process + its sensitivity list Place & time: at module instantiation time (when the module constructor is called) Processes called by “SystemC Simulation Kernel” whenever one of the ports in the “sensitivity list” changes value Executes sequentially until return() or wait(), depending on whether it is a method or a thread
Process Type SC_METHOD: method process SC_THREAD: thread process
Sensitive to a set of signals Cannot be suspended: executed till completion Does not remember internal state across invocations Used for combinational logic SC_THREAD: thread process Can be suspended: executed until a wait(), resumed through sensitivity list Remembers internal state across invocations Heavier load on the scheduler, larger memory footprint Use for combinational logic (same as methods), but mainly for testbenches SC_CTHREAD: clocked thread process Sensitive only to one edge of a clock signal Execute until a wait_until() (note the enhanced wait semantics) Watching(reset) restarts from top of process body (reset evaluated on target ck edge) Often the only synthesizable subset of SystemC
Create and initialize “Internal Data Structures” of the module
Module Constructor Registers module Processes, and their sensitivity list with “SystemC Kernel” Create and initialize “Internal Data Structures” of the module Initialize Internal Data Storage An “instance name” is passed to the constructor at instantiation time Each instantiated module (even from the same SC_MODULE type) can have its own name Helps in reporting debug, error, and information messages from the module
Port declaration my_module ID IN_A IN_B OUT_C
SC_METHOD The process is a method of the my_module class
Process registered as a method with the simulation kernel... sensitive << in_a << in_b; ..and made sensitive to specified INPUT ports Should not save state between invocations Runs to completion: should not contain infinite loops Not preempted
SC_THREAD Simple threads can be easily translated into methods.
As long as there is no delay or dynamic event requiring a wait(), sc_method makes a significant enhancement in simulation speed State saved between invocations Infinite loops should contain a wait()
Supported wait constructs since SystemC 2.2:
SC_CTHREAD Watching construct unsupported since SystemC 2.2 (included). Rather, use function “reset_signal_is(in_port, level)” Supported wait constructs since SystemC 2.2: wait(); Wait(int n);
Ports, Interfaces, Channels
Communication Semantics Ports, Interfaces, Channels Module Channel Module Port Interface PORT: module’s gateway to the external world INTERFACE: abstract class defining the pure virtual functions the module can use to access the communication channel through its gateway CHANNEL: inherits the interface abstract class and defines the implementation of the pure virtual functions in the interface
Communication Semantics
Interface Method Calls (IMC) Process calls an interface method of a channel The collection of a fixed set of communication methods is called an Interface (abstract class) More than one channel is feasible for the same interface Modules can be connected via their Ports to those channels class IF { public: virtual void write (bool) = 0; }; class channel_A: public IF { void write (bool) { //defines write() with respect to // channel_A } Module Process Out_port.write(1); sc_out<bool> Out_port;
Channel Binding my_if<> my_if<>
Module Channel Module Plug-'n'-Play my_if<> my_if<> Channel sc_port< my_if<> > sc_port< my_if<> > The association of a specific channel (out of many possible ones) to a given interface is done during the BINDING phase
Signal Examples sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > my_signal1;
from sc_main or from top-level SC_MODULE: sc_signal<sc_uint<8> > my_signal1; sc_signal<bool> my_signal2; sc_clock my_clock(“my_clock", 20, 0.5, 2, true); my_module_1.clock_port(my_clock); my_module_1.out_port(my_signal1); my_module_1.in_port(my_signal2); my_module_2.clock_port(my_clock); my_module_2.out_port(my_signal2); my_module_2.in_port(my_signal1); my_module1 my_clock my_signal1 my_signal2 my_module2 BINDING: associating a port/IF with a corresponding channel
They provide well-defined boundaries through which modules interact
Ports They provide well-defined boundaries through which modules interact SystemC template class to create ports template <class IF, int N = 1> class sc_port:… Template parameters: type of interface number of connected interfaces They connect to channels by means of interfaces, specified through a template parameter Typical channel (in RTL modules): sc_signal
SystemC provides a template class for creating ports
template<class IF, int N=1> class sc_port : //class derivation details omitted { public: IF* operator->(); // other member functions and member variables } “IF” denotes the interface class Operator “->” overload returns a pointer to the IF class This trick makes interface methods available to the module’s processes
Specialized signal ports are provided by SystemC
Any interface method can be invoked through the port read() and write() below are interface method calls, which are implemented by sc_signal channel sc_port<sc_signal_inout_if<int> > p; …………….. x=p->read(); p->write(y) Specialized signal ports are provided by SystemC template<class T> class sc_in : public sc_port<sc_signal_in_if<T> > ..; class sc_out : public sc_port<sc_signal_inout_if<T> > ..;
Implementing an Interface
An interface does not actually do anything It just has to declare prototypes for the channel methods It has to mandatorily inherit predefined “sc_interface” class class my_read_if : virtual public sc_interface { public: virtual char read() = 0; }; Written this way, a module will only be able to connect to one of the interfaces – either for read or for write! class my_write_if : virtual public sc_interface { public: virtual void write(char) = 0; };
Implementing an Interface
To be able to implement a read/write connection to the channel, we need a derived interface: class my_readwrite_if : public my_read_if, public my_write_if { }; Now both read() and write() will be available to a module port connected to my_readwrite_if Interestingly, the channel does not carry any direction information. The direction is given by the port.
Interfaces for sc_signal channel
HW signal interfaces: sc_signal_in_if<T> Contains virtual function read() read() returns a constant reference to T such that value may be read sc_signal_inout_if<T> Derived from sc_signal_in_if<T> Contains virtual function write() Write() takes as input a constant reference to T
Channels Port and Interface describe the functions available in the communication package Channel defines the implementation of the communication functions Channel is derived from the interface More than one Channel might implement the same interface in different ways A Channel might implement more than one interface
Channels Primitive Hierarchical Channels can be
primitive (supporting “Evaluate then update” semantics) hierarchical (may include modules, processes, ports, subchannels) Code to be implemented: The channel itself The interface
Implementing a Channel
The channel must provide the implementation of the methods declared in its interfaces The channel inherits sc_prim_channel and thus can access its APIs, especially: void request_update() virtual void update() = 0 (requires an implementation inside of the channel!) The channel also inherits sc_interface (through its interfaces) and thus can access its API, especially: virtual const sc_event& default_event() (tells the simulation kernel which is the event on which to enqueue processes waiting on their sensitivity list)
Request-Update Semantics
The channel must comply with the “Evaluate then update” paradigm of SystemC! To do so: When some channel method is invoked (typically writes), the channel calls the simulation kernel via sc_prim_channel’s request_update()//for VHDL-like simulation The simulation kernel schedules the channel for update in the update phase of the current Delta cycle. When such virtual time arrives, the kernel calls the channel’s update() method update() is still inherited by sc_prim_channel, but its implementation is channel-specific
Implementing a Channel
class my_channel : public sc_prim_channel, public my_read_if, public my_write_if { public: […] virtual char read() { return curr_val }; virtual void write(char val) { next_val = val; if (next_val != curr_val) request_update(); } virtual const sc_event& default_event() const { return val_chg_event; } //called by S.kern. At the beginn. ……… virtual void update() { curr_val = next_val; val_chg_event.notify(SC_ZERO_TIME); } char curr_val, next_val; sc_event val_chg_event; }; “Evaluate then update” semantics Sensitivity support One Delta cycle
Instantiating a Channel
// my_module.h SC_MODULE (my_module) { sc_port <my_read_if> in; void my_function(); SC_CTOR(my_module) SC_METHOD(my_function); sensitive << in; } }; // my_module.cpp void my_module::my_function() { printf(“%c\n”,; }; //main.cpp My_channel CH; My_module MYMOD;; //binding
sc_signal template <class T> class sc_signal
:public sc_signal_inout_if<T>, public sc_prim_channel { public: //get the default event virtual const sc_event& default_event() const { return m_value_changed_event;} virtual const sc_event& value_changed_event() const virtual const T& read() const { return m_cur_val;} virtual void write(const T& value_) m_new_value = value_; if ( ! (m_new_val == m_cur_val)) request_update(); }
sc_signal protected: //get the default event virtual void update() {
if ( ! (m_new_val == m_cur_value)) { m_cur_value = m_new_value; m_value_changed_event.notify(SC_ZERO_TIME); } T m_cur_valu; T m_new_val; sc_event m_value_changed_event; };
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