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Chinese Dynasties.

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1 Chinese Dynasties

2 Building Background After the Han Dynasty, China split into several rival kingdoms. This was know as the Period of Disunion = 400 years of fighting. Finally after centuries of political confusion, war, & change China was reunified.

3 The Sui Dynasty The Sui Dynasty ended the period of disunion in 589 A.D. They unified China under one ruler. However, rulers made harsh demands on the people. High taxes and forced labor caused the collapse of the Sui Dynasty. Did not last long


5 Sui Dynasty Advancements
The most important advancement of the Sui Dynasty was the Grand Canal. The Grand Canal was a waterway that linked N & S China.

6 Tang Dynasty The Tang Dynasty ruled for 300 years.
They expanded the rule to much of Eastern and Central Asia. Historians see this as the Golden Age of Chinese Civilization


8 Wu Hou = China’s first female ruler!
Wu Hou (WOO JOW) came to power in the early years of the Tang Dynasty. She was China’s first female ruler. Her methods were sometimes vicious but she was smart & talented.


10 Wu Hou Accomplishments
She strengthened civil service exams. Writing poetry as a requirement for high ranking officials. She gained much support for Buddhism by having large temples built. As a result literature and art flourished.



13 Shortly after the Tang Dynasty fell in 907 A. D
Shortly after the Tang Dynasty fell in 907 A.D., China entered into another brief period of disorder for about 50 years.

14 Song Dynasty In 960 China was once again reunified.
Like the Tang Dynasty they ruled for approximately 300 yrs and was a time of great accomplishments.



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