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Lecture 5: Enigma Concluded Bletchley Park (June 2004)

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1 David Evans
Lecture 5: Enigma Concluded Bletchley Park (June 2004) CS588: Security and Privacy University of Virginia Computer Science David Evans

2 Last Time: Added Plugboard
Plaintext B Plugboard L Rotor 1 M 2 N 3 R Reflector Ciphertext Step rotor 2 faster – British and US experimented with this Change order of rotors – fastest turning rotor closest to reflector 6 plugs: (26*25)/2 * (24*23)/2 * … * (16*15/2) / 6! = times more keys 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

3 University of Virginia CS 588
Poster in RAF Museum 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

4 University of Virginia CS 588
Operation Day key (distributed in code book) Each message begins with message key (“randomly” chosen by sender) encoded using day key Message key sent twice to check After receiving message key, re-orient rotors according to key 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

5 University of Virginia CS 588
Letter Permutations Symmetry of Enigma: if Epos (x) = y we know Epos (y) = x Given message openings DMQ VBM E1(m1) = D E4(m1) = V E1oE4(D) = V VON PUY => E1(D) = m1 PUC FMQ => E4 (E1 (D)) = V With enough message openings, we can build complete cycles for each position pair: E1oE4 = (DVPFKXGZYO) (EIJMUNQLHT) (BC) (RW) (A) (S) Note: Cycles must come in pairs of equal length 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

6 Composing Involutions
E1 and E2 are involutions (x  y  y  x) Without loss of generality, we can write: E1 contains (a1a2) (a3a4) … (a2k-1a2k) E2 contains (a2a3) (a4a5) … (a2ka1) E1 E2 a1  a2 a2  x = a or x = a1 a3  a4 a4  x = a or x = a1 Why can’t x be a2 or a3? 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

7 University of Virginia CS 588
Rejewski’s Theorem E1 contains (a1a2) (a3a4) … (a2k-1a2k) E4 contains (a2a3) (a4a5) … (a2ka1) E1E4 contains (a1a3a5…a2k-1) (a2ka2k-2… a4a2) The composition of two involutions consists of pairs of cycles of the same length For cycles of length n, there are n possible factorizations 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

8 Factoring Permutations
E1E4 = (DVPFKXGZYO) (EIJMUNQLHT) (BC) (RW) (A) (S) (A) (S) = (AS) o (SA) (BC) (RW) = (BR)(CW) o (BW)(CR) or = (BW)(RC) o (WC) (BR) (DVPFKXGZYO) (EIJMUNQLHT) = (DE)(VI)… or (DI)(VJ) … or (DJ)(VM) … … (DT)(VE) possibilities 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

9 How many factorizations?
(DVPFKXGZYO) (EIJMUNQLHT) E1 E2 D  a2 a2  V V  a4 a4  P Once we guess a2 everything else must follow! So, only n possible factorizations for an n-letter cycle Total to try = 2 * 10 = 20 E2E5 and E3E6 likely to have about 20 to try also About 203 (8000) factorizations to try (still too many in pre-computer days) 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

10 University of Virginia CS 588
Luckily… Operators picked message keys (“cillies”) Identical letters Easy to type (e.g., QWE) If we can guess P1 = P2 = P3 (or known relationships) can reduce number of possible factorizations If we’re lucky – this leads to E1 …E6 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

11 University of Virginia CS 588
Solving? E1 = B-1L-1Q LB E2 = B-1L-2QL2B E3 = B-1L-3QL3B E4 = B-1L-4QL4B E5 = B-1L-5QL5B E6 = B-1L-6QL6B 6 equations, 3 unknowns Not known to be efficiently solvable 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

12 University of Virginia CS 588
Solving? E1 = B-1L-1Q LB BE1B-1 = L-1Q L 6 equations, 2 unknowns – solvable Often, know plugboard settings (didn’t change frequently) 6 possible arrangements of 3 rotors, 263 starting locations = 105,456 possibilities Poles spent a year building a catalog of cycle structures covering all of them (until Nov 1937): 20 mins to break Then Germans changed reflector and they had to start over. 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

13 University of Virginia CS 588
1939 Early 1939 – Germany changes scamblers and adds extra plugboard cables, stop double-transmissions Poland unable to cryptanalyze 25 July 1939 – Rejewski invites French and British cryptographers Gives England replica Enigma machine constructed from plans, cryptanalysis 1 Sept 1939 – Germany invades Poland, WWII starts 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

14 University of Virginia CS 588
Bletchley Park Alan Turing leads British effort to crack Enigma Use cribs (“WETTER” transmitted every day at 6am) to find structure of plugboard settings Built “bombes” to automate testing 10,000 people worked at Bletchley Park on breaking Enigma (100,000 for Manhattan Project) 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

15 University of Virginia CS 588
Alan Turing’s “Bombe” Steps through all possible rotor positions (263), testing for probable plaintext; couldn’t search all plugboard settings (> 1012); take advantage of loops in cribs 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

16 University of Virginia CS 588
Enigma Cryptanalysis Relied on combination of sheer brilliance, mathematics, espionage, operator errors, and hard work Huge impact on WWII Britain knew where German U-boats were Advance notice of bombing raids But...keeping code break secret more important than short-term uses The Coventry bombing story isn’t true, but decoy scouts is 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

17 University of Virginia CS 588
Projects Start thinking about projects and forming teams Prefer teams of 3 people In rare circumstances will allow solo projects Preliminary Proposals due Feb 15 List of team members Use web forum to discuss project ideas, find interested teammates Either: Short blurbs for at least 3 project ideas A description of a project idea with some background, convincing argument it will be possible and interesting 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

18 Project Option 1: Research
Research Projects Identify an interesting problem related to cryptography/security Devise an approach for solving it Analyze security of some system GET PERMISSION FIRST! Doesn’t need to be limited to purely computational systems 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

19 Project Option 2: “Outreach”
Do something relevant to this course that is beneficial to the larger community. Examples include: Develop and teach a course for K-12 students that uses cryptography to make math interesting Produce something that conveys important security principles to the general public Movie screening at end of class today 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

20 University of Virginia CS 588
Which should you do? Grad student, grad-school bound 3rd or 4th year: research project that integrates with your main research 3rd/4th year looking for a job: something you can talk about on job interviews 4th year with a job: outreach project 4th year who doesn’t want a job 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

21 Modern Symmetric Ciphers
A billion billion is a large number, but it's not that large a number. — Whitfield Diffie 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

22 Goals of Cipher: Diffusion and Confusion
Claude Shannon [1945] Diffussion: Small change in plaintext, changes lots of ciphertext Statistical properties of plaintext hidden in ciphertext Confusion: Statistical relationship between key and ciphertext as complex as possible So, need to design functions that produce output that is diffuse and confused 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

23 University of Virginia CS 588
Block Ciphers Stream Ciphers Encrypts small (bit or byte) units one at a time Block Ciphers Encrypts large chunks (64 bits) at once Ciphers we have seen so far: Changing one letter of message only changes one letter of ciphertext There were classical ciphers that had some diffusion: Vigenère autokey, Hill cipher (2-letter chunks) 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

24 University of Virginia CS 588
Ideal Block Cipher 64 bit blocks 264 possible plaintext blocks, must have at least 264 corresponding ciphertext blocks There are 264! possible mappings Why not just create a random mapping? Need a 264 * 64-bit table  1021 bits $14 quadrillion Need to distribute new table if compromised Approximate ideal random mapping using components controlled by a key 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

25 Feistel Cipher Structure
Plaintext L0 = left half of plaintext R0 = right half of plaintext Li = Ri - 1 Ri = Li - 1  F (Ri - 1, Ki ) C = Rn || Ln n is number of rounds (undo last permutation) L0 R0 K1 Substitution F Round Permutation L1 R1 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

26 University of Virginia CS 588
One Round Feistel Li = Ri - 1 Ri = Li - 1  F (Ri - 1, Ki ) E (L0 || R0): L1 = R0 R1 = L0  F (R0, K1)) C = R1 || L1 = L0  F (R0, K1)) || R0 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

27 University of Virginia CS 588
Decryption Ciphertext LD0 = left half of ciphertext RD0 = right half of ciphertext LDi = RDi - 1 RDi = LDi - 1  F (RDi - 1, Kn – i + 1) P = RDn || LDn n is number of rounds LD0 RD0 Kn Substitution F Permutation L1 R1 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

28 University of Virginia CS 588
LDi = RDi - 1 RDi = LDi - 1  F (RDi - 1, Kn – i + 1) Decryption D (L0  F (R0, K1)) || R0) LD0 = L0  F (R0, K1) RD0 = R0 LD1 = R0 RD1 = LD0  F (RD0, K1) = L0  F (R0, K1)  F (RD0, K1)) = L0 P = RD1 || LD1 = L0 || R Yippee! 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

29 University of Virginia CS 588
Multiple Rounds The entire round is a function: fK (L || R) = R || L  F (R, K)) swap (L || R) = R || L E = swap ° swap ° fKr ° swap ° fKr-1 ° ... ° fK2 ° swap ° fK1 D = fK1 ° swap ° fK2 ° ... ° fKr-1 ° swap ° fKr ° swap ° swap 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

30 University of Virginia CS 588
Decryption swap (fK (swap (fK (L || R)) = swap (fK (swap (R || L  F (R, K)))) = swap (fK (L  F (R, K) || R)) = swap (R || (L  F (R, K))  F (R, K)) = swap (R || L) = L || R So swap ° fK its own inverse! 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

31 University of Virginia CS 588
What are the requirements on F? For decryption to work: none! For security: Hide patterns in plaintext Hide patterns in key Coming up with a good F is hard 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

32 University of Virginia CS 588
Charge Start to think of interesting project ideas Post on discussion forum, find teammates Next time: DES: a Feistel cipher Breaking DES (including Girish Ratanpal) Movie (if you can stay, otherwise it is on the web) 3 February 2005 University of Virginia CS 588

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