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Warm-up #3 In what ways was China’s geography good and bad for early medieval dynasties? What religion or religions do you think were popular in ancient.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up #3 In what ways was China’s geography good and bad for early medieval dynasties? What religion or religions do you think were popular in ancient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up #3 In what ways was China’s geography good and bad for early medieval dynasties? What religion or religions do you think were popular in ancient and medieval China?

2 China Disunion and Reunification Timeline
Period of Disunion CE Periods of peace and war Disorder b/c no central ruler Cultural blending of northern, middle, and southern groups. New culture. Buddhism was popular Sui Dynasty 589 – 618 CE A northerner, Yang Jian, conquered the south and formed the Sui Dynasty. Lasted 29 years, but restored order and peace. Sui also began construction of the Grand Canal, linking northern & southern China. Tang Dynasty 618 – 907 CE Golden Age Taizong = greatest ruler Unified china, reformed military, law codes, land reform. Empress Wu Neoconfu-cianism Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms CE After the Tang fell Period of chaos and disorder, with separate kingdoms Lasted 53 years. Song Dynasty CE Reunifed Ruled for 300 yrs Great accomplishments Neoconfuc-ianism was popular

3 Buddhism KWL On the top half of page C 10, create a KWL chart showing at least three things you know and three things you would like to know about Buddhism. Know Want to Know about Buddhism in China Learn

4 As you watch the video, write down three or more things you leaned about Buddhist beliefs in the “Learn section of your KWL.

5 Fundamental Buddhist Beliefs Write these down on the bottom of page C10
Beliefs and Basic Teachings Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path

6 Background Began in India.
It appealed mostly to the poor people since their lives were pretty terrible. It offered them relief from their suffering and didn’t require all the rules and education of Confucianism.

7 Basic Teachings Desire is the root of unhappiness.
Suffering is a normal part of life. All life is to be respected.

8 The Beliefs of Buddha Believe that all people went through cycles of birth, death, and rebirth called reincarnation. Karma is a force caused by a person’s good and bad acts. Karma is said to affect future lives.

9 The Four Noble Truths The Buddha decided that life is ruled by Four Noble Truths. 1. Life is filled with suffering. 2. Suffering is caused by people wanting more pleasure, more power, or a longer life. 3. Suffering can end if people stop wanting things. 4. People must follow eight basic laws if they are to stop wanting things.

10 The Eightfold Path The way to end suffering and reach Enlightenment is called the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is a set of instructions on the proper way to live. Anyone can follow it. These laws were neither too strict nor too easy. They represent a Middle Way of living. Causes you to restructure all parts of your self. Doesn’t have to be done in any order.

11 Quotes Directions: select one quote, copy it, and write a few sentences explaining what it means and how you think it effected people. “You yourself must make the effort. The (Buddha) can only point the way….” “Temporary are all…things; he who sees the truth of this becomes disgusted with the world of suffering. This is the path to purity.”

12 Finish your quote analysis.
Homework Finish your quote analysis.

13 Warm-up #4 When did Buddhism become very popular in China?
How might it have changed people’s attitudes about life in China during this time?

14 Pair-Share Read you quote from homework to your partner.
Explain what you think it means and why.

15 The Spread of Buddhism in Asia 500 B.C.E. – 800 C.E.
Where did Buddhism originate from? What countries did Buddhism spread to?

16 The Spread of Buddhism Buddhism spread to what are today China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

17 The Spread of Buddhism To learn about how/why Buddhism spread, we are going to read the handout. Don’t forget to: Mark your text as you read. Answer the question at the bottom of the page.

18 Finish your spread of Buddhism worksheet.
Homework Finish your spread of Buddhism worksheet.

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