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3rd Grade Expectations Ms. Martin’s Class.

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1 3rd Grade Expectations Ms. Martin’s Class

2 Planners And Take Home Folders
Your child will write his/her homework assignment in their planners and any other necessary communication every morning. It is so important that they bring this to and from school every day. They will also bring their blue plastic Take Home folder to and from school every day. They should be using the labeled pockets appropriately.

3 Signing Planners Your child will have homework most nights Monday through Thursday. When the homework has been completed they will need to show you and have you sign their planner. We are encouraging RESPONSIBILTY and accountability from the STUDENT  I ask that you use your signature when you sign your child’s planner not initials (even though that’s what the planner says! )

4 Spelling WOrds Next week your child will come home with spelling words. The words will be written in the planners, but I will also post the list on my blog.

5 Technology The kids will have access to chrome books in the classroom. I have websites that I use to supplement instruction and give extra practice. These websites are MANDATORY for school use but I encourage kids who have access to be using them at home too. All passwords are taped onto the first page of the student planner.

6 Websites that will be used This Year:
Xtra Math- This is a math fact fluency program that helps kids master addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. RazKids- This is a Online guided reading program with leveled interactive ebooks, downloadable books, and reading comprehension quizzes Zearn- This is a math website that will be used in conjunction with our new math program focusing on common core standards for 3rd Grade Spelling City- This website gives kids repeated practice with the words on their current spelling list. It will be updated by me each week 

7 New Math PRogram Dearborn has adopted a new math program this year (Eureka Math). Your child has THREE math books to work out of. You will see the pages come home (especially the homework pages) but not the book. Feel free to look in your child’s desk and find the books. I DO NEED a parent to volunteer to tear out homework pages once a month. If you are interested. Please let me know  Please be patient as we navigate this new program together. I really am impressed with what I have seen so far.

8 My blog If you have not signed up for my blog, please stay a minute after this presentation and I will get you signed up quickly. This is my main way of communicating classroom news with you! I will update at the end of every week and during the week as necessary. You can comment to me on the blog, but using my will get you a response faster, as I check that every day. My address is

9 3rd Grade Field Trips The Dearborn Fire Safety House- Quick trip on October 3rd. 2 parent chaperones needed. The Michigan Science Center (Detroit) sometime in the winter. No date yet, but will need 3 chaperones. The One Room School House experience at Greenfield Village (late April) No parent chaperones needed. Our state capitol building in Lansing and the Michigan Historical Museum in Lansing. Will need 3 chaperones Oakwoods Nature Center. Sometime in May. Will need 3 chaperones.

10 Classroom Parties We have parties for:
Halloween (costumes are encouraged in the afternoon only) Winter Holiday Valentine’s Day Birthday Bash End Of Year Picnic We will ask for a set monetary donation at the beginning of the year and food donations as necessary during the year.

11 Food Allergies We have 2 children with tree nut and/or peanut allergies. All packaging MUST be checked before any food items are sent in to school. Morning snack can be cut up vegetables or fruit, cheese sticks, yogurt, Cheeze It or Goldfish crackers. Please try to stick to one of these food choices.

12 Reading Groups Reading groups will start as soon as everyone’s reading level has been evaluated. You will see your child come home with his/her group book and reader’s response questions occasionally. Please do not be alarmed if the group books do not come home every day. I do, however, expect every student to be reading a good fit book each night at home for at least 20 minutes. A great way to make sure your child is reading is to set a timer or do “I read-You read” with your child.

13 Questions???

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