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Polar Climate Zone.

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Presentation on theme: "Polar Climate Zone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polar Climate Zone

2 Climate Map The polar climate zone is located on the very north and south of the earth Some of the names of the countries that are located in the polar climate zone are the Arctic, Alaska, Canada, Denmark, Greenland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Russia, and Antarctica

3 Climate Lack of warm summers
Every month in the polar climate it has an average of 10 degrees Celsius and 50 Fahrenheit The sun shines for long hours in the summer, but very short hours in the winter The polar is so cold because the sun does not rise above the horizon A temperature of -88 Celsius was reported once in Antarctica , since the air in the polar is so cold it contains very little moisture

4 Polar animals Polar bears are the biggest members of the bear family
Snowshoe Hares move as fast as 27 mph and they can leap 10 feet in one jump Penguins can spend 75% of their life in the water and they don’t have teeth instead, they have backward facing – fleshy spines on the back of their mouth Arctic Foxes can survive in polar temperatures of -58 degrees Fahrenheit and they are so clever that they can feel the squeeze of the global warming

5 Polar Plants During the winter months the plants need to rest under the sheets of snow so they can be ready as soon as the temperature gets high enough Small shrubs can grow in warmer parts of the Arctic Some polar plants are dwarf shrubs, pasque flower, purple saxifrage, artic poppy, and cotton grass. (some are shown below)

6 Natural disasters One natural disaster is a Blizzard which is a severe snow storm with winds in excess of 35 mph and visibility of less than a 1/4 mile for more than 3 hours and they can also occur after snowfall when high winds cause whiteouts (fallen snow blowing around) Many Avalanches are small slides of dry powdery snow that move as a formless mass and are caused by wind , rain, warming of the temperature, earthquakes, and hikers

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