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To Do 7th Lon-Capa assignment due tomorrow by 10 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "To Do 7th Lon-Capa assignment due tomorrow by 10 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Do 7th Lon-Capa assignment due tomorrow by 10 pm.
Quiz #5 on Wednesday, April 13 in Discussion. Read Chapter 10.1, 10.2, and 10.8 and do the suggested homework.

2 VSEPR – General Guidelines
Draw the Lewis structure. If the octet rule is exceeded, add electrons to the central atom. Multiple bonds count as one direction (or one “effective pair”). Consider the lone pairs when determining the geometry. Consider only the atoms when determining the shape. Polarity comes from asymmetry.



5 VSEPR Model



8 The Charge Distribution in the Carbon Dioxide Molecule


10 The Charge Distribution in the Ammonia Molecule

11 The Charge Distribution in the Water Molecule

12 Clicker Question How many of the following molecules are polar? I. COS
II. CCl4 III. XeF4 IV. SF4 a) b) c) 2 d) e) 4


14 The Valence Orbitals on a Free Carbon Atom

15 The sp3 hybrid orbital

16 An Orbital Energy-Level Diagram for sp3 Hybridization

17 The sp2 hybrid orbital

18 An Orbital Energy-Level Diagram for sp2 Hybridization


20 (a)The Orbitals Used to Form the Bonds in Ethylene (b) The Lewis Structure for Ethylene

21 The sp hybrid orbital

22 An Orbital Energy-Level Diagram for sp Hybridization


24 A Set of dsp3 Hybrid Orbitals on Phosphorus Atom

25 An Octahedral Set of d2sp3 Orbitals on Sulfur Atom

26 Relationship of the Number of Effective Pairs, Their Spatial Arrangement, and the Hybrid Orbital Set Required

27 Clicker Question What is the hybridization of the central atom in XeF5+? a) sp b) sp2 c) sp3 d) dsp3 e) d2sp3

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