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Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation

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1 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Understanding how your child is assessed and evaluated is important in their learning journey! We just show this – don’t speak to it

2 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation In any course your child takes, a report card grade is based on the following: 70% of the grade is based on evaluation throughout the course (term work) 30% of the grade is based on a final evaluation given at or near the end of the course…(some courses will divide this 30% between a series of tasks worth different amounts such as a project worth 10% and a final exam worth 20%). We just show this – don’t speak to it

3 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Formative Assessment are assessments “for” and “as” learning opportunities. They may include, but are not limited to: Worksheets Lesson Questions Activities Reflections In-class work Quizzes Class discussions Observations Conversations They are used to help provide students with valuable feedback so they can improve. We just show this – don’t speak to it

4 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Summative Assessments usually occur at the end of units or important segments of the course. These are assessments “of” learning and may include, but are not limited to: Unit tests Essays Videos Presentations Projects Labs Portfolios of work They help determine a report card grade. We just show this – don’t speak to it

5 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Principles of Effective Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting: Fair, transparent, and equitable Supportive of all students (Spec Ed, ELL, Indigenous) Connected to the curriculum expectations and learning goals Communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the course and through the course Ongoing and a variety of different ways to assess and in most cases, multiple opportunties Are connected to Learning Skills We just show this – don’t speak to it

6 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Learning Goals: are statements that clearly articulate the learning that will take place during a lesson or series of lessons. (the goals are derived from the curriculum expectations and they help students understand the learning they are about to engage in) Success Criteria: are standards or specific descriptions of successful attainment of learning goals. They can be co-constructed by teachers and students or developed by teachers and discussed and agreed upon with students. Teachers use them to provide descriptive feedback and they should reflect the knowledge and skills a student has learned We just show this – don’t speak to it

7 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation What do teachers consider? Evidence collected through conversations, observations and products Evidence of work the student has completed Number of assessments that were not completed Whether the student achieved the expectations That some evidence carries more weight than others Student attendance in performance based courses such as gym, drama, music, art, tech based courses such as hospitality or construction, and cooperative education. We just show this – don’t speak to it

8 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Learning Skills consist of: Responsibility – completes and submits work within timelines Organization – establishes priorities, uses info, technology and resources to complete tasks Independent Work – uses class time, follows instructions, able to manage most tasks on own Collaboration – equitably shares workload, responds positively to others, works with others Initiative – curiosity, positive attitude, advocates Self-Regulation – sets goals, seeks clarification, perseveres, checks own behaviour We just show this – don’t speak to it

9 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Levels of Achievement: 4+ = = 77-79 = = 73-76 4- = = 70-72 2+ = = 57-59 = = 53-56 2- = = 51-52 R = Remedial – working below a passing grade I = Incomplete – where a student hasn’t demonstrated enough for the teacher to determine a grade We just show this – don’t speak to it

10 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Categories of Knowledge and Skills Knowledge and Understanding – subject specific content acquired in each grade/course (knowledge) and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding). Thinking and Inquiry – The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes. Communication - The conveying of meaning through various forms. Application – The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts. We just show this – don’t speak to it

11 Knowledge and Understanding
Science… Knowledge and Understanding Facts, Terms, Concepts, Procedures, Theories, Principles, Processes, etc. Thinking and Inquiry Forming Questions, Selecting Strategies, Performing experiments, Analysing, Problem Solving, Evaluating Application Making Connections between science, technology, society and the environment Using knowledge and skills in different contexts Communication Clear Expression, logical organization, use of vocabulary

12 Knowledge and Understanding
Math… Knowledge and Understanding Facts, formulas, tools, skills (multiplication, etc) Thinking and Inquiry Forming Questions, Selecting Strategies, Analysing, Problem Solving, Evaluating, processes, using multiple tools Application Making Connections between what tools/skills to use and when Using knowledge and skills in different contexts for different problems Communication Clear Expression, logical organization, use of vocabulary. Does it make sense? (like Grammar)

13 Knowledge and Understanding
English… Knowledge and Understanding Facts, literary devices, poetic devices, character sketches, short story elements, thesis, etc. Thinking and Inquiry Forming Questions, Selecting Strategies, substantiating your argument through use of quotes, textual or other evidence, persuading Application Making Connections between text and self, world around you, media Using knowledge and skills in different contexts Communication Clear Expression, logical organization, use of vocabulary, grammar, spelling

14 Knowledge and Understanding
Arts… Knowledge and Understanding Facts, Concepts, eras, cultures, artists, musicians etc Thinking and Inquiry Forming Questions, Selecting Strategies, building ideas, for a sketch, script, tableau, composition Application Making Connections between self and art, creating the product Using knowledge and skills in different contexts Communication Clear Expression, logical organization, use of vocabulary, the performance is clear and understandable

15 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation What are some tools that are used to assess your children? Rubrics Checklists – Met/Not Met Exit Cards Quizzes Tests Conversations Observations We just show this – don’t speak to it

16 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Academic Dishonesty: Taking the thoughts, writings or inventions of another and using them as your own Asking another student for information from a current test or copying from another student during a test Copying homework or an assignment from another student Bringing in unauthorized material to a test or performance task Submitting the same piece of work for two different assignments Copying word for word from another source Taking and using an idea without giving proper credit to the original author or source Colluding – working together on a task when you are not supposed to We just show this – don’t speak to it

17 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation What happens if your child doesn’t do as well as they had hoped or is failing or fails a course? Summer School Night School Project Complete – an in school opportunity to catch up on work missed Credit Recovery Camp I Can Counting on You We just show this – don’t speak to it

18 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Professional Development Work this year… Board focus is on final assessments Grade 9 and 10 – annotated our final assessments – connected to curriculum/fundamental principals Revision Work to meet the above Build in more rich tasks and inquiry based learning opportunities Learning more about apps and other tools for assessment purposes Moving to grade 11 and 12 We just show this – don’t speak to it

19 Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
School Council Assessment and Evaluation Final Thoughts and Questions… We just show this – don’t speak to it

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