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Unit 2 Activity 9 Presentation

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1 Unit 2 Activity 9 Presentation
Decline of Feudalism Unit 2 Activity 9 Presentation

2 Setting the Stage Because of the GEOGRAPHY of Europe:
not one group could gain control of the whole region Europe divided into individual kingdoms after the fall of Rome Feudalism worked!!! (sort of) But NOW…(or rather, in the LATE Middle Ages) Feudalism is going out of style! 3 reasons: political changes, terrible plague, series of wars

3 Timeline We’ll look at events roughly around here for THIS lesson! (1100 to 1400 C.E.) 500 B.C.E C.E C.E C.E C.E. Roman Republic 509 B.C.E. to 27 B.C.E ~500 years Roman Empire 27 B.C.E. to 284 C.E. ~300 years Roman Empire (West) 284 C.E. to 476 C.E. ~100 years Various Kingdoms 476 C.E. to 800 C.E. Holy Roman Empire + Various Kingdoms 800 C.E. to 1806 C.E. ~1000 years Roman Empire (East) later known as the Byzantine Empire 284 C.E. to 1453 C.E. Emperor Constantine moved capital of the empire from Rome to Byzantium in 330 C.E. = the fall of the Roman Empire = the beginning of the MIDDLE AGES

4 How did the plague spread from Asia to Europe?
Map GEOGRAPHY QUESTION! How did the plague spread from Asia to Europe? = spread of the plague = trade routes Land and sea TRADE ROUTES!!

5 Recap: What is feudalism?
A political/economic/social relationship based on MUTUAL DEPENDENCY you rely on something/someone you give and also get something in return money and knights land (fief) protection and military service land (fief) food, services, and rent land and protection

6 Recap: What is feudalism?
In other words… Feudalism: system in which people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and the use of land in return If ONE bad season of growing food = EVERYONE suffers! Benefits Challenges Power and decision making left in hands of localized noble and not a faraway king Everyone “knows their place” and their roles = stability and security Easy to manage land Powerful noble lords can abuse their powers Extremely dependent on local agriculture and goods Isolated European kingdoms Lack of freedom for peasants and serfs Caused conflict with other kingdoms! Made it more difficult to trade often!

7 Feudalism WORKED for awhile… but then DECLINED because:
2 decline: to reduce, lessen, diminish, fall off.. 1 3 Decline of Feudalism political changes a terrible plague long series of wars

8 I’m a low-ranking priest!
2 1 1 3 Decline of Feudalism political changes a terrible plague long series of wars Political Changes In ENGLAND: Magna Carta (a document) = LIMITED king’s power = more rights + freedoms to the people! Model Parliament (a group) = a governing body that included commoners as well as nobles! We make the laws! I’m a commoner! I’m a noble! King John nobles + the people I’m a low-ranking priest!

9 Feudalism system no longer necessary!
2 plague: contagious disease 2 1 3 Decline of Feudalism political changes a terrible plague long series of wars Terrible Plague Spread from Asia to … Europe, Middle East + North Africa!! About one-third of population of the plague (one-third = 1 in 3 people!) Effects of the DRAMATIC population decline: Need more workers!!! (b/c so many died!!) Peasants/serfs abandoned feudal manors to work in towns/cities The plague killed the poor AND the rich! Social status didn’t matter! died WEAKENED the nobles! Feudalism system no longer necessary!

10 nationalism: identifying and devoting yourself to a nation
2 3 1 3 Decline of Feudalism political changes a terrible plague long series of wars Long Series of Wars Series of battles for over a hundred years between England and France = the Hundred Years’ War Effects: Increased NATIONALISM Strengthened the power of the KING Decreased the power of NOBLES Feudal lords’ castles + knights = ineffective for modern military tactics! nationalism: identifying and devoting yourself to a nation For ENGLAND!!!

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