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MSFD training 04. July 2012 Jon Maidens.

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1 MSFD training 04. July 2012 Jon Maidens


3 Geographical boundaries
A list of assessment areas for reporting should be drawn up in DBTable MSFD4_GeographicAreasID. The areas can include: a. Region b. Subregion c. MS marine waters part of a region or subregion d. Subdivision (formally defined by the MS) e. Other assessment areas (informally defined by the MS); these should nest within the region/subregion being reported on (i.e. not straddle their borders), but may extend beyond a national boundary.

4 Reporting Reported at national level List of areas through XML
Corresponding spatial information for all the listed areas should be provided in a shape file.

5 Spatial data Marine waters of the Member State
The water column of its marine waters; The seabed and subsoil of its marine waters. Boundaries of marine regions and sub-region Boundaries of sub-divisions Assessment areas defined for elements under Articles 8, 9 and 10

6 Topological consistency
The whole of the Member State’s waters within each region/subregion need to be covered by the set of assessment areas Assessment areas should be nested within the region/subregion, and subdivisions where defined, and not straddle their boundaries. For regions, sub-regions, sub-divisions: Boundaries are coincident, where appropriate (i.e. the same polyline is used when the boundary is the same in several polygons), including with the boundaries of the marine waters. Multi-part polygons shoudl be reported as a single feature

7 Format Shape file (GML) Polygon or grid
One file per Member State (by feature type) Projection ETRS89 Follow spatial reporting data model (attribute names) Associated metadata file Specific attributes named and supplied

8 Attributes Attribute name Obligation Type Description C_CD Required
string (2) Member State (country ISO code) UNITID string (42) a unique identifier reference code so that the area can be referred to from other reporting sheets; the codes MUST have a 1-to-1 relationship those in DBTable MSFD4_GeographicAreasID. UNITNAME string (255) Descriptive name - (where there are numerous polygons for islands and rocks, these can simply be named as ‘islands/rocks’ if desired) STATUS string (100) status of area, selecting one from List: Area status (e.g. disputed area, jointly managed area); ACCURACY String(100) Accuracy of polygon. closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true. All spatial objects should be provided at the source accuracy where possible. Express as 1:nnnnnn e.g. 1:50,000. AREA Integer Area of the shape in square kilometers

9 Units naming convention
MS code + area type code + sequential number e.g. FR-SD-001. Area type codes: WC=water column, SS=Seabed/subsoil, MW-marine waters; RG=Region, SR=Subregion, RS=MS part of a region or subregion; SD=Subdivision, AA=Assessment area, LD=Land (outside marine waters), LM=Land within marine waters (islands).

10 Metadata Complete metadata information for each shapefile is needed in order to adequately describe the file, its contents and its origin. Use the INSPIRE metadata profile INSPIRE metadata editor available from the INSPIRE portal

11 Metadata

12 Submission to ReportNet
a. A valid shapefile under MSFD reporting is a set of 4 files: geometry (*.shp), index (*.shx), attributes (*.dbf) and projection (*.prj); b. All 4 files MUST have the same (meaningful) file name (case sensitive), plus the above-mentioned file name suffixes (the latter ones either in lower or in UPPER case, but not in MiXeD case); c. Unique feature identifiers in the dbf file MUST have a 1-to-1 relationship with further attribute data described in the related XML file; d. In order to facilitate further data processing, shapefiles shall be uncompressed inside Reportnet envelopes. If your shapefile in in ZIP format, make use of Reportnet's "Upload zipfile" function, which will uncompress your ZIP archive, before adding the files into the envelope. When uploading files it is required that the file naming has the following structure: [Country ID]_MSFD4_[Date]

13 Thank you!

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