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Unit 10 Level B Vocabulary

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1 Unit 10 Level B Vocabulary

2 bellow (v) To make a sound similar to that of a bull, roar; (n) a loud, angry roar

3 The lion’s deep bellow frightened me!

4 beneficiary (n) One who benefits from something; a person who is left money or other property in a will or the like

5 These ladies were the beneficiaries of their mother’s estate.

6 botch (v) To repair or patch poorly; make a mess of; (n) a hopelessly bungled job

7 The man was very upset when the hairdresser botched his haircut.

8 clutter (v) To fill or cover in a disorderly way; (n) a state of disorder, mess

9 The desk was covered with clutter.
                            The desk was covered with clutter.

10 (adj) falling apart or ruined, run-down
dilapidated (adj) falling apart or ruined, run-down

11 The dilapidated house was soon torn down.

12 (v) To take apart; to strip of something
dismantle (v) To take apart; to strip of something

13 The man had to dismantle the wheel to fix the axle.

14 farce (n) A play filled with ridiculous, absurd happenings; broad or far-fetched humor; a ridiculous sham

15 This movie is funny because it is a farce.

16 futile (adj) not successful, failing to have any result; useless; unimportant, trivial

17 The Wright brothers made several futile attempts before successfully flying.

18 (adj) very tiring, calling for an extreme effort
grueling (adj) very tiring, calling for an extreme effort

19 The baseball team endured a grueling workout prior to the game.

20 hospitable (adj) offering friendly or generous treatment to guests; open to anything new or strange

21 The flight attendant was very hospitable; she gave me everything I needed.

22 (n) The home or den of a wild animal; any hideout
lair (n) The home or den of a wild animal; any hideout

23 Be careful not to climb into the bear’s lair!

24 lavish (adj) overly generous, extravangant; abundant; (v) to spend or give freely or without limit

25 The wedding was a lavish affair.

26 morbid (adj) in unhealthy mental state, extremely gloomy; caused by or related to disease, unwholesome

27 This painting is rather morbid.

28 (adj) widely known because of bad conduct
notorious (adj) widely known because of bad conduct

29 In the book The Outsiders, Dally Winston is notorious for being a hardened greaser.

30 (v) To allow too many privileges, be too generous and easygoing toward
pamper (v) To allow too many privileges, be too generous and easygoing toward

31 In this scene of a play, the woman in the chair is being pampered.

32 parasite (n) An organism that lives in or on another organism; one who lives off another person

33 Fleas are, perhaps, the most popular parasite of all.

34 (v) To avoid or get out of doing work, neglect a duty; to sneak, slink
shirk (v) To avoid or get out of doing work, neglect a duty; to sneak, slink

35 Tom Sawyer skillfully shirked his duty of whitewashing the fence.

36 surplus (n) An amount beyond what is required, excess; (adj) more than what is needed or expected

37 The store had a sell to decrease its surplus of jackets.

38 (n) The state of being easily frightened
timidity (n) The state of being easily frightened

39 Johnny Cade was infamous for his timidity.

40 (n) The power to forbid or prevent; (v) to prohibit, reject
veto (n) The power to forbid or prevent; (v) to prohibit, reject

41 A president has the power to veto a bill.

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