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Forskningskonferens ”Fotboll – forskningsrön och tillämpningar” – CIF

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Presentation on theme: "Forskningskonferens ”Fotboll – forskningsrön och tillämpningar” – CIF"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forskningskonferens ”Fotboll – forskningsrön och tillämpningar” – CIF
Korsbandsregistret Forskningskonferens ”Fotboll – forskningsrön och tillämpningar” – CIF 20-21 Oktober 2010 Magnus Forssblad Capio Artro Clinic Centrum för idrottsskadeforskning och utbildning, Karolinska Intstitutet

2 Skillness vs ethics? FOR CERTAIN we are all skilled, interested and capable surgeons when performing ACL reconstructions with high tech methods, latest graft choice and more and more double-bundle technique BUT can we as ”good doctors” really recommend a 15 years old girl to return to football after an ACL reconstruction? 2

3 3


5 ACL can’t be treated as “ONE” injury – there is a great variation
Car t i lage Other inj Isolated Previous Meniscus Ligament Oedema Operative technique Rehabilitation Age, gender Healing response Patient cost-benefit analysis Motivation 5

6 We treat the instability not the ACL-injury
We treat the instability not the ACL-injury! In general all ACL-injuries don’t need surgery but is it possible to continue with football at any level without surgery?

7 Stability for athlete A
1. ACL Injury 2. Non operative rehab 3. ACL reconstruction Walking Running Tennis Alpine skiing Football 7

8 Stability for athlete B
1. ACL Injury 2. Non operative rehab Walking Running Tennis Alpine skiing Football 8

9 High risk of new knee injury in elite footballers with previous ACL injury.
Waldén M, Hägglund M, Ekstrand J. Br J Sports Med 2006. The Swedish male professional league (310 players) was studied during 2001. Twenty-four players (8%) had a history of 28 ACL injuries in 27 knees (one re-rupture). These players had a higher incidence of new knee injury of any type than the players without ACL injury 4.2 vs 1.0 injuries per hours, p = 0.02. 9

10 Risk for new ACL injury Study (n) Median age Follow-up time
% ACL-graft inj % Opp ACL inj Salmon (612) 28 5 yr 6.4 5.7 Shelbourne (887) 28 (pts > 18 yrs 1.7 3.2 Shelbourne (1415) 21 (all ages) 4.3 5.3 Artro Clinic (6801) 28 (all ages) > 2 yr 3.0 4.4 10


12 Age Gender Football – non Football

13 Revision or new injury opposite knee All patients


15 Individual Cost-Benefit-Analysis
Costs Benefits Social factors Performing different sports Wellness, Fitness Economy (Top athletes) Rehabilitation, Sickleave Pain, Swelling, Dysfunction Reinjuries, Rerupture Osteoarthritis “Should I return to sports?” 15

16 Data from surgery Etiology Previous injuries Associated injuries
Methods (graft, fixation) Meniscus- and cartilage surgery Surgery time, antibiotics, thrombosis prophylaxis

17 Preop scores KOOS score Pain Knee symptoms ADL
Function sport and recreation Knee related “Quality Of Life”

18 Postop evaluation Koos, EQ-5 1, 2, 5 and 10 years postop
Endpoint – TKR Option for “objective” evaluation KT-1000, Manual Lachman, One hop test


20 Etiology Primary ACL = = YEAR 2008 2009 Football/soccer 42 % 44 %
Skiing % 12 % Floor ball 9 % 9 % European Handball 5 % 6 % = =

21 Unique Database for football research 2005-2009
13503 Primary ACL reconstructions 5674 Etiology = Football 1980 Females 3694 Males 800 Revisions 479 Reoperation (Meniscus, Infection)

22 Preliminary Data XBase 2009
YEAR Clinics Primary ACL Male/Female 56/44 % 58/42 % Age Male/Female 28/26 28/25 Revision ACL Male/Female 59/41 % 58/42 % Age Male/Female 30/27 29/24 Reoperations Double Bundle

23 Grafts (Primary ACL) YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Hamstrings 81 % 84 % 87 % 93 % 95 % BTB 18 % 15 % 12 % 6 % 4 % Others 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 %

24 Overall KOOS results

25 Revisions improves between 1 and 2 year follow up

26 2 years KOOS results for Double Bundle (50 pts) vs HT (5300)

27 Football vs non Football

28 Football vs non Football < 20 yrs

29 Football vs non Football < 20 yrs
Män Kvinnor

30 New web portal for injury registration
Open for all teams in Sweden Register all match/training Register training/match exposure for all players Module for injurycard Module for patient records Online statistics for all users



33 Highlights Always “online” Medical records follows the players
Club transfer (After players approval) When playing with National teams Anti Doping – Option to export “Whereabouts” Statistics online for all users

34 Vänta inte med besluten!

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