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Using Graphs to Problem Solve

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1 Using Graphs to Problem Solve
Unit of Study: Represent Data Global Concept Guide: 4 of 4

2 Content Development Creating a quick graph or chart is a way that students can organize information to solve some types of problems. Students should be given opportunities to create the graphs to help them solve the problems. Students should not be limited to this strategy. A connection can be made between this strategy and other strategies. For example, a student who draws pictures or a model can compare it to a pictograph of bar graph. Students may need a review of the compare problem type during this unit. Examples of how differentiation can happen in this GCG: varying the questions asked to the student readiness, small groups, varying the numbers used based on student readiness

3 Day 1 This day should focus on using a graph to organize information from a story and then using that graph to answer questions about the information. The problems on Go Math p438 lend themselves to this strategy. It is not the only strategy that can be used though. If students use different strategies, share them and then compare them to using a graph to organize the information. A natural connection can be made between the snap cubes and a bar graph. Facilitate a discussion about the similarities and differences as well as which one they feel helps them the most. The mathematical practices questions on page 438 can help facilitate a discussion about how the bar graph is helpful in question 1.

4 Day 2 This day should continue to give students practice using graphs to organize information when problem solving. This day can be used for some small group differentiation if necessary. If students are having difficulty with 3 different choices on the graph, they can be given only two as problem #2 on page Also, the problems linked to the GCG can be altered to only have two people rather than three. Answering the Day 2 EQ at the end of today will be a quick snapshot of the students’ understandings.

5 Enrich/Reteach/Intervention
Students can create their own scenarios for partners to solve. Students can be given more than three categories for their graphs. Students can be given larger numbers to use. Reteach/Intervention: Student who are struggling with the bar graphs can use snap cubes to represent the information and then transfer it to a bar graph. It is important to help students see the natural connection between the two.

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