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Tabs mean corrections. Do not remove.

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Presentation on theme: "Tabs mean corrections. Do not remove."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tabs mean corrections. Do not remove.
Fill in your pink sheets and make corrections in red pen. Punctuation—Go back and correct any mistakes Spelling—Highlighted words need to be written out correctly at least five times in the back of your book (use a dictionary to help) Punctuation—Go back and correct any mistakes Spelling—Highlighted words need to be written out correctly at least five times in the back of your book (use a dictionary to help)

2 Topic 2 Revision How many lessons do we have left?
12 11 1 10 Wednesday, 28 November 2018Wednesday, 28 November 2018 2 1 min 6 min 3 min 7 min 2 min 10 min 9 min 4 min 8 min 5 min 9 3 Topic 2 Revision 50 s 30 s 10 s 30 s 20 s 40 s 50 s 10 s 40 s 20 s 50 s 20 s 50 s 20 s 50 s 30 s 30 s 20 s 30 s 40 s 30 s 30 s 20 s 30 s 20 s 10 s 40 s 40 s 20 s 40 s 40 s 50 s 10 s 10 s 40 s 10 s 10 s 50 s 10 s 30 s 50 s 20 s 10 s 20 s 40 s 30 s 50 s 40 s 10 s 50 s 8 4 7 5 6 How many lessons do we have left? Have you started revising seriously?

3 What do I need to revise? Topic 2 Thermoregulation
Glucoregulation and diabetes The nervous system Responses and reflexes Plant growth hormones and commercial uses Investigating plant responses

4 Numbers 1 to 10 in your books…
Starter: QUICK QUIZ Numbers 1 to 10 in your books…

5 1. Name 3 conditions controlled by negative feedback.
Starter: 1. Name 3 conditions controlled by negative feedback.

6 Starter: 2. What is a hormone?

7 3. What are the 2 parts of the CNS?
Starter: 3. What are the 2 parts of the CNS?

8 Starter: 4. Name the 5 senses.

9 5. What is the stimulus for phototropism?
Starter: 5. What is the stimulus for phototropism?

10 Starter: 6. Name a plant hormone.

11 7. Name a use for plant hormones.
Starter: 7. Name a use for plant hormones.

12 8. What releases insulin and glucagon?
Starter: 8. What releases insulin and glucagon?

13 Starter: 9. What is diabetes?

14 10. Name one condition controlled by negative feedback.
Starter: 10. Name one condition controlled by negative feedback.


16 What is normal body temperature? 37°C
Name 3 conditions controlled by negative feedback. Body temp., water/glucose in blood. Which part of the brain controls body temperature? Hypothalamus What is normal body temperature? 37°C State 3 things which lower body temperature. Sweating, hairs lie flat, vasodilation State 3 things which raise body temperature? Shivering, hairs on end, vasoconstriction How does sweating cool you down? Evaporates, taking heat with it Why do hairs lie flat when you’re hot? Prevent a layer of insulating air being trapped Define vasodilation. Blood vessels widen, more blood flow to skin, more radiation of heat How does shivering warm you up? Muscle contractions release heat Why do hairs stand on end when you’re cold? Traps layer of insulating air to reduce conduction Define vasoconstriction. Blood vessels narrow, less blood flow to skin, less radiation of heat What is a hormone? Chemical messenger in the blood What release hormones? Glands How are hormones carried? In blood Are hormone effects long or short-term? Long What is a neurone? Cell which transmits information as electrical signals around body What is the function of the myelin sheath? Insulate, maintain/speed up impulse What is a synapse? Gap between 2 neurones

17 What are released across a synapse? Neurotransmitters
Name 3 types of neurones. Sensory, motor, relay Are nerve actions long or short-term? Short-term How is information carried in the neurone? As electrical impulses State 5 senses. Sight, touch, smell, hearing, taste What is a receptor? Detects change in environment What is a stimulus? Change in the environment What is an effector? Something which carries out the response What are the two parts of the CNS? Brain and spinal chord What is the function of a sensory neurone? Carries impulse from receptor to CNS What is the function of a relay neurone? Carries impulses within the CNS What is the function of the motor neurone? Carries impulses from the CNS to the effector What is the function of the reflex arc? Prevent/reduce harm Is a reflex voluntary or involuntary? Involuntary Which gland controls blood glucose levels? Pancreas Which hormone lowers blood glucose? Insulin Which hormone raises blood glucose? Glucagon What is glycogen? Store of glucose

18 What organ do insulin and glucagon act on? Liver
Where is glycogen found? What is diabetes? Lack or resistance to insulin How can diabetes be treated? Diet, exercise, medication Define tropism. A plant’s growth response What is the stimulus for phototropism? Light What is the stimulus for gravitropism/geotropism? Gravity What is a positive tropism? Growth towards a stimulus What is a negative tropism? Growth away from a stimulus What is the effect of auxin in shoots? Promotes cell elongation What is the effect of auxin in roots? Inhibits cell elongation How does sunlight affect auxin? Breaks it down Name 3 plant hormones. Auxin, gibberellin, ethylen Name 2 uses for auxin. Selective weedkillers, rooting powder What type of plant is targeted by selective weedkillers? Broad leaf State 2 uses of gibberellin. Selective weedkillers, seedless fruit State a use of ethylene. Fruit ripening What is the effect of gibberellin on stems? Promote cell elongation

19 Maintenance of a stable internal environment Increased crop yeild
Define homeostasis. Maintenance of a stable internal environment Give one advantage of selective weedkillers. Increased crop yeild What is the function of the axon? Carries the electrical impulse

20 (Whiteboard quiz based on the questions which most pupils got wrong)
Plenary: (Whiteboard quiz based on the questions which most pupils got wrong)

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