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Knowledge Connections

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Connections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Connections
Vocabulary  Migration Indentured Servant Term Definition Knowledge Connections Picture

2 How did the Atlantic slave trade get its start?
Essential Question How did the Atlantic slave trade get its start?

3 Why did Europeans need labor?
European colonies needed labor… and lots of it…. If they were to survive

4 Who were indentured servants?
European workers in the colonies were known as INDENTURED SERVANTS They would sign a contract to work for a set number of years in order to pay off their trip Not nearly enough people signed up!

5 How did the slave trade begin?
Europeans began to enslave Africans They were obtained from trading posts along the African coasts This started the ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE The capture and transport of Africans into bondage in the Americas

6 How did Africans help the slave trade?
An active slave trade already existed within Africa Africans were capturing other Africans African governments were selling off criminals, debtors, and prisoners or war as slaves

7 How did Africans leaders respond?
Some Africans did oppose the trade of human lives QUEEN NZINGA Queen of Angola KING ALFONSO I King of the Kongo Appealed to the pope to stop the slave trade Led an army against Portuguese slave traders

8 How did slaves resist? In the Americas, enslaved Africans escaped and formed runaway communities In 1841, enslaved Africans led revolts aboard two slave ships – the Amistad and the Creole

9 How did the Atlantic slave trade get its start?
Essential Question How did the Atlantic slave trade get its start?

10 Find a labor source for the American colonies

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