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Special English for Industrial Robot

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1 Special English for Industrial Robot
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2 49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot
Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs

3 Unit9 Industry application of robot
Task: Part1 Painting robot Part2 Welding robot Part3 Handing robot Part4 Assembly robot Part5 Polishing robot Special English for Industrial Robot Unit9 Industry application of robot URL :

4 34 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part1 Painting robot
If your company has a painting application, why not automate it with a robot? Painting automation is a simpler, safer and superior method than to any manual painting process. Plus, industrial painting robots are much more accessible than they used to be! Not only are there more models on the market, but they are more affordable than ever before.

5 Figure 9-1 ABB painting robot
Unit9 Industry application of robot 34 Part1 Painting robot Figure 9-1 ABB painting robot That what it’s really all about with automation, right? It is about the cost of doing business and how to decrease that cost. Well, if you’re painting, the way to decrease costs across the board is to automate! As shown in the Figure 9-1.

6 34 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part1 Painting robot
The Cost of Time The expression “time is money” definitely applies to painting and coating jobs. Manual painting costs more because it takes longer. Not only does a worker operate more slowly than a painting robot, but they also have to be allowed breaks, lunches, and vacations. The repetitive nature of the painting task can also cause fatigue, stress, and injury. Robots, on the other hand, are capable of painting 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They work efficiently no matter how long they have been running, increasing throughput, while never decreasing quality.

7 34 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part1 Painting robot
The Cost of Materials When a worker is coating and painting manually, mistakes like overspray can waste materials and decrease the quality of products, possibly damaging them. The quality of manual painting is never consistent. Overall, it is a messy process that will end up costing your company more money. On the other hand, robots conserve paint and work with incredible precision and consistency. Typical paint savings when using robotic automation is percent. Since they are programmed to spray the same amount of material on every product, they have fewer overspray problems and create a consistent coating on each part, every time.

8 34 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part1 Painting robot
The Cost of Safety Paint contains hazardous materials like Xylene and Toluene. These substances are common in several different paint and coating materials, and it is very dangerous for humans to work around them for long periods of time because of the toxic fumes the chemicals produce. Instead, you can choose to automate with paint robots, which control and isolate the above hazards. Workers are removed from the dangers and placed in supervisory roles.

9 34 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part1 Painting robot
The Cost of Safety What is a painting robot? “Painting Robot” is an industry term for a robot that has two major differences from all other standard industrial robots: 1) Explosion proof arms. Paint robots are built with explosion proof robot arms, meaning that they are manufactured in such a way that they can safely spray coatings that create combustible gasses. Usually these coatings are solvent based paints, when applied, create an environment that must be monitored for fire safety.

10 34 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part1 Painting robot
The Cost of Safety What is a painting robot? “Painting Robot” is an industry term for a robot that has two major differences from all other standard industrial robots: 1) Explosion proof arms. Paint robots are built with explosion proof robot arms, meaning that they are manufactured in such a way that they can safely spray coatings that create combustible gasses. Usually these coatings are solvent based paints, when applied, create an environment that must be monitored for fire safety.

11 34 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part1 Painting robot
The Cost of Safety 2) Self-contained paint systems. When paint robots were first designed, they only had one function – to work safely in a volatile environment. As acceptance and use expanded, painting robots grew into a unique subset of industrial robots, not just a traditional robot with explosion proof options. Painting robots now have the ability to control all aspects of spray parameters. Fan air, atomization air, fluid flow, voltage, etc, can all be controlled by the robot control system.

12 34 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part1 Painting robot Vocabulary
manual ['mænjuəl] adj.手工的;体力的 n. 手册,指南 model ['mɑdl] n.模型;典型;模范;模特儿;样式 automate ['ɔtəmet] vt.使自动化 vi.自动化 fatigue [fə'tig] n.疲劳,疲乏 vt.使疲劳 vi.疲劳 adj.疲劳的 throughput ['θrʊ'pʊt] n.生产量,生产能力 overspray [,ovə'sprɛi] n.超范围的喷涂 vt.过喷 consistency [kən'sɪstənsi] n.[计] 一致性;稠度;相容性 spray [spreɪ] n.喷雾;喷雾器 vt.喷射 vi.喷

13 34 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part1 Painting robot Vocabulary
substance ['sʌbstəns] n. 物质;实质;资产;主旨 isolate [aɪslˌet] vt.使隔离;使孤立 adj.隔离的 supervisory ['sjuːpə,vaɪzərɪ] adj.监督的 solvent ['sɑlvənt] adj.有偿付能力的;有溶解力的 n.溶剂;解决方法 monitor ['mɑnətɚ] v.监督; 监控,监听; 搜集,记录; 测定; volatile ['vɑlətl] adj.[化学] 挥发性的;不稳定的 n.挥发物;有翅的动物 subset ['sʌbsɛt] n.[数] 子集;子设备;小团体 parameter [pə'ræmɪtɚ] n.参数;系数;参量 voltage ['voltɪdʒ] n.[电] 电压 更多免费资源


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