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Emotional Intelligence

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1 Emotional Intelligence
Westport Middle School Advisory Lesson

2 Icebreaker: Count to Ten
Students stand in a circle. One student starts by saying “1.” Students go around saying either one or two numbers. Whoever lands on “10” is out. The last person standing is the winner.

3 Learning Target and Agenda
LT: I can self-assess my emotional intelligence. Agenda: Review emotional intelligence. Short Video (link in PowerPoint) EQ Self-Assessment Exit Slip

4 Review: Do you have Emotional Intelligence?
Can you understand your emotions? Can you identify others’ emotions? Can you manage your emotions? Can you resolve conflicts?

5 Review: What are the components of Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence consists of four main components. These are: Self-Awareness Social Awareness Self-Regulation Relationship Management

6 Seven signs you have a high EQ
Video: Complete the guided notes as you watch the video. Discuss: What are the seven signs of high emotional intelligence?

7 Activity: EQ self-Assessment
Directions: Answer the questions for the four components of emotional intelligence. In which areas were you the strongest? In which areas do you need improvement?

8 Why is emotional intelligence important?
Exit Ticket Why is emotional intelligence important?

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