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Asymptotes: Why? How to describe an algorithm’s running time?

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Presentation on theme: "Asymptotes: Why? How to describe an algorithm’s running time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asymptotes: Why? How to describe an algorithm’s running time?
(or space, …) How does the running time depend on the input? T(x) = running time for instance x Problem: Impractical to use, e.g., “15 steps to sort [ ], 13 steps to sort [ ], …” Need to abstract away from the individual instances.

2 Asymptotes: Why? Standard solution: Abstract based on size of input.
How does the running time depend on the input? T(n) = running time for instances of size n Problem: Time also depends on other factors. E.g., on sortedness of array.

3 Solution: Provide a bound over these instances.
Asymptotes: Why? Solution: Provide a bound over these instances. Most common. Default. Worst case T(n) = max{T(x) | x is an instance of size n} Best case T(n) = min{T(x) | x is an instance of size n} Average case T(n) = |x|=n Pr{x}  T(x) Determining the input probability distribution can be difficult.

4 Asymptotes: Why? What’s confusing about this notation?
Worst case T(n) = max{T(x) | x is an instance of size n} Best case T(n) = min{T(x) | x is an instance of size n} Average case T(n) = |x|=n Pr{x}  T(x) Two different kinds of functions: T(instance) T(size of instance) Won’t use T(instance) notation again, so can ignore.

5 Asymptotes: Why? Problem: T(n) = 3n2 + 14n + 27
Too much detail: constants may reflect implementation details & lower terms are insignificant. n 3n2 14n+17 1 3 31 10 300 157 100 30,000 1,417 1000 3,000,000 14,017 10000 300,000,000 140,017 Solution: Ignore the constants & low-order terms. (Omitted details still important pragmatically.) 3n2 > 14n+17  “large enough” n

6 Upper Bounds Creating an algorithm proves we can solve the problem within a given bound. But another algorithm might be faster. E.g., sorting an array. Insertion sort  O(n2) What are example algorithms for O(1), O(log n), O(n), O(n log n), O(n2), O(n3), O(2n)?

7 # comparisons needed in worst case  (n log n)
Lower Bounds Sometimes can prove that we cannot compute something without a sufficient amount of time. That doesn't necessarily mean we know how to compute it in this lower bound. E.g., sorting an array. # comparisons needed in worst case  (n log n) Shown in COMP 482.

8 Definitions: O,  T(n)  O(g(n))   constants C,k > 0
such that  nk, T(n)  Cg(n) Cg(n) k T(n)  (g’(n))  constants C’,k’ > 0 such that  nk’, T(n)  C’g’(n) C’g’(n) k’ T(n)

9 Also, O(n2), O(5n), … Can always weaken the bound.
Examples: O,  2n+13  O( ? ) O(n) Also, O(n2), O(5n), … Can always weaken the bound. 2n+13  ( ? ) (n), also (log n), (1), … 2n  O(n) ? (n) ? Given a C, 2n  Cn, for all but small n. (n), not O(n). nlog n  O(n5) ? No. Given a C, log n  C5, for all large enough n. Thus, (n5).

10 Definitions:  T(n)  (g(n))  T(n)  O(g(n)) and T(n)  (g(n))
Ideally, find algorithms that are asymptotically as good as possible.

11 Notation O(), (), () are sets of functions.
But common to abuse notation, writing T(n) = O(…) instead of T(n)  O(…) as well as T(n) = f(n) + O(…)

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