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Reminders Unit 1 Study Guide AND extra credit vocab due @ start of class on Monday February 5th Keep up with Unit 1 Reading per the Unit 1 Outline (on.

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Presentation on theme: "Reminders Unit 1 Study Guide AND extra credit vocab due @ start of class on Monday February 5th Keep up with Unit 1 Reading per the Unit 1 Outline (on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reminders Unit 1 Study Guide AND extra credit vocab start of class on Monday February 5th Keep up with Unit 1 Reading per the Unit 1 Outline (on my website)

2 Reading and Note Taking
Directions: Read and annotate the textbook section on Farmers (Module 11, Lesson 4). For this, we all need to use the online book so that I can see your highlights and annotations. Annotations can be questions about the text, connections you make or other related thoughts. Submit online so that I can view it. Be sure to also answer the “reading check” questions in the text. If you have already read this section for HW, you are ahead of the game and you can use any notes you took last night to help you make annotations. When finished, submit electronically and ask your substitute for a copy of today’s guided notes (Populism). The notes are yours to keep.

3 Farmers and Populism FOCUS QUESTION: What led to the rise of the Populist movement, and what effect did it have?

4 1. Price of Crops Goes Down because of overproduction!
Problems for Farmers 1. Price of Crops Goes Down because of overproduction! - Produce too many crops (overproduction) Severe weather conditions/droughts An example of overproduction? Consider Diet Coke. . .

5 Problems for Farmers 2. Rising Debt (Farmers owe $$)
Take out big loans that have high interest rates to pay for new machinery, seed, animals etc.

6 Economic Distress Farmers in Midwest are caught in a vicious cycle
Buy land on loans Wheat Prices drop Wheat Prices drop Buy land on loans

7 Economic Distress Panic of 1893 Causes Effects
Failure of Reading and Philadelphia RRs Effects 8000 Businesses close 150 RRs out of business 400 Banks close 20% Unemployment

8 Did the government help with the economic instability of the late 1800s? What more could they have done to fix the economy?

9 Problems for Farmers 3. Railroads are charging too much
Railroad companies have no competition or regulation by the government Charge farmers very high rates to ship grain

10 Railroad: Good or Evil? Railroads were great for transportation and shipping produce around the country Unfortunately, they were charging outrageous prices making it difficult for farmers to make a profit Jerks

11 Farmers Organize to Fight Back !
The Grange ( s) Reason for forming: education about new farming techniques; fighting the new railroad rates Why would farmers organize?


13 Farmers Organize to Fight Back!
Farmers’ Alliances Reason for forming: Groups of farmers that continue to push for reform (change) “There are three great crops raised in Nebraska. One is the crop of corn, one a crop of freight rates and one a crop of interest. One is produced by farmers who sweat and toil to farm the land. The other is produced by men who sit in their offices and farm the farmers” – Farmers’ Alliance 1890.

14 The Government Helps . . . Sort of
Interstate Commerce Commission set up by government to regulate railroads What French word describes how the government usually dealt with business? (“Hands off”)

15 Farmers feel like the two major American political parties aren’t representing their interests, so they form their own!

16 The Populist (People’s) Party -
A political party formed by the Farmers’ Alliances to help farmers solve their problems Original Members of the Populist Party July 1892 Over 800 delegates from 69 Nebraska Counties met

17 The Omaha Platform The platform (goals) of the Populist Party
Use Silver to back money instead of Gold There was more silver than gold If the government used silver to create money there would be more money This would lead to higher prices which would help farmers

18 Omaha Platform Government ownership of railroad companies
Railroad owners couldn’t overcharge the farmers and prices would go down

19 Omaha Platform Government Regulation of Banks
Banks couldn’t unfairly charge VERY high interest rates to farmers!

20 Omaha Platform Graduated Income Tax
The more you make the more you pay!

21 The People’s Party Farmers see the need to unify under a single party
Omaha Platform Planks Political Change Direct election of senators Secret ballot Initiatives and Referendums Economic Change Bimetallism: (Using silver and gold to back money ) Govt Control of RR’s, Telegraph and Telephone companies Graduated Income Tax 8 Hour Workday -

22 The Election of 1896 William Jennings Bryan (Democrat)
What was it about: “Cross of Gold” speech attacks those who oppose coining silver (goldbugs) Populists decide to support him Campaigns directly to the people, touring the country “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold” – Cross of Gold Speech by William Jennings Bryan 1896

23 What symbols do you see? What action seems to be happening? What is the message of the cartoon? How is this cartoon related to the populist movement?

24 Cross of Gold Speech In hopes of getting into the white house, Populist joined sided with the Democrats and chose William Jennings Bryan as their candidate in the 96’ election Made a famous “Cross of Gold Speech” in which he showed his disdain for the gold standard & encouraged bimetallism. “Having behind us the producing masses of this nations and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toiling everywhere, we will answer the demand for the gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.” -Democratic National Convention speech, Chicago, July 8, 1896

25 Election of 1896 William McKinley (Republican)
In what was does McKinley represent the “old ways” of politics? William McKinley (Republican) Party campaigns for him; raise a lot of money McKinley has $15 million (30 times what Bryan has!!) McKinley wins election


27 The End of Populism Proved candidates should campaign directly to the people
Successes direct election of Senators (17th amendment) railroad regulation (ICC) Graduated Income Tax (16th amendment) Failures Unable to win a presidential election No long term silver coinage Party dies by 1897 & Most Populist voters return to the Democratic Party.

28 3 Minute Pause!! 1 Minute: Answer the “you tell me question” on your paper 1 Minute: Find an elbow partner. Share your answer with your partner. 1 Minute: Share your pairs’ answers with the class

29 Creating a Campaign Flyer
Creating a Campaign Flyer! Do this after you finish guided notes, turn in to your end of block. You can choose to work alone or with one other partner. Your Audience: Midwestern Farmers- Convince them to vote for your candidate William Jennings Bryan Information: You must specifically refer to one issue on the Populist Party’s platform (Select any ONE plank from your Omaha Platform notes) Your flyer should reflect your understanding of this issue – specifically say why this issue is important and why people should vote for the Populists to end their suffering Required: Catchy Slogan (something specific to the topic you are assigned) William Jennings Bryan’s name Illustration that is related to your specific topic/plank

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