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Francophone Network for the elimination Neglected Tropical Diseases

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1 Francophone Network for the elimination Neglected Tropical Diseases
J. Chandenier*, J. Jannin*, P. Solano, I. Quick, P. Debré Haiphong, November 8-9, 2017 * :

2 Problem of neglected tropical diseases
(NTDs) - late 20th century, global interest in major infectious diseases in tropical areas: malaria, HIV, tuberculosis - 21th century, interest in diseases of the "epidemiological transition" in tropical zones: overload, cardiovascular pathologies, oncology, ... - but, late 20th century and 21st century, persistence of NTDs

3 Characteristics of neglected tropical diseases
(NTDs) - Affect the poorly visible and poorly audible populations - Diseases traveling little or no outside the tropics (climate, vectors, ...) - Often cause stigma and discrimination - Have a significant impact on morbidity and mortality - Are neglected by research - But: could be controlled, prevented and possibly eliminated using existing solutions

4 Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
Diseases (updated April 2017): Parasitic/fungal - Chagas disease - sleeping sickness - dracunculiasis  - lymphatic filariasis - onchocerciasis - echinococcosis - foodborn trematodiasis - schistosomiasis - soil-transmitted helminthes  - taeniasis/cysticercosis - scabies - mycetomas/chromomycosis Bactériennes - Buruli ulcer - leprosy - yaws - trachoma Virales - dengue/chikungunya - rabies Other - snakebite

5 - January 2012, roadmap for implementation
World Health Organization 28 November, 2018 Setting up of the reaction against the NTDs - July 2005, creation of the Department of fight against Neglected Tropical Diseases Dr Margaret Chan - January 2012, roadmap for implementation - London declaration 2013 : NTDs included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030

6 Setting up of the French reaction
G7 Summit, Elmau, Germany, 2015 G7 Summit, Ise-Shima, Japan, 2016 > 250 registered so far: - Institutions - Individuals - Associations - NGO - Learned Societies -… Montpellier (France), april, 2016

7 Scientific and Strategic Council of the NTDFN
IRD Philippe Solano CIRAD Pascal Bonnet INSERM Laurent Marsollier PASTEUR INSTITUTE Philippe Bastin NGO Serge Resnikoff (OPC) Eric Pichard (Santé Sud) South country Crispin Lumbala Félix Boa Yapo Roch Dabiré Mérieux Fondation Sébastien Quesney Training / learned societies Jacques Chandenier PARAFRAP Frédéric Bringaud DNDi Nathalie Strub Wourgaft SANOFI François Bompart Various Jean Jannin Robert Sebbag  willingness to make changes in the overall policy and action strategies of each institution about NTDs  global and concerted actions to put in place for the elimination of NTDs

8 Questions posed by the desire to eliminate NTDs
- How to adapt control strategies to each elimination context? - What new tools can be developed to ensure and sustain elimination? - How to answer all questions specific to elimination (access to care, biology, epidemiology, surveillance, ...)? - How to sustain the results acquired in a context of very low prevalence? - How to convince institutional and private donors to continue their efforts when many cases are decreasing?

9 Which strategy (s) for NTDs elimination
Reminder: NTDs = diseases Individual… Diagnosis and/or biological ou mass Clinical … (radiological) Research … Cartography Medical treatments - mass - individual … in all areas Interventions on the animal reservoir Vector control ELIMINATION

10 Which strategy (s) for NTDs training
Biological diagnosis « Universal access to diagnosis of NTDs » Les Pensières-Fondation Mérieux Annecy (France) March 27-29, 2017 Objective: to develop a common vision of the problem of universal access to the diagnosis of NTDs for the poorest populations

11 Which strategy (s) for NTDs training
« Universal access to diagnosis of NTDs » Les Pensières-Fondation Mérieux Annecy (France) March 27-29, 2017 Conclusions : - Universal access to diagnosis is an absolute condition for the success of neglected tropical disease elimination programs - universal access to diagnosis is conceived from 4 major themes: The 4 elements form a sequence. If an element is missing, access is no longer possible.

12 What strategy (s) for NTDs training
Reminder: NTDs = diseases Individual… Diagnosis and/or biological ou mass Clinical … (radiological) training … Cartography Medical treatments - mass - individual … multi-professional Interventions on the animal reservoir Vector control ELIMINATION

13 Which requirements for training in the context of NTDs?
- More targeted “NTDs" because current training too "general", too "diluted" in infectiology, and therefore often insufficient - In all sectors of intervention concerned (Medical / paramedical, research, technical, logistics, ...) - In all types of training involved (Academic and professionalizing, initial and continuous, central and peripheral level, ...) - In a synchronized way - Adapted to each local situation of NTDs - Supported by a local political will - Carried out by North and South stakeholders - By relying on adapted innovative techniques / methods

14 To know more

15 To act more by 2030 Join the network !!

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