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How to Create a Magazine

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create a Magazine"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create a Magazine
Writing 2203 How to Create a Magazine

2 Why? To showcase my year’s work in writing
Becoming an author, publisher, designer , etc. Just Because

3 Group Activity: Choose a magazine…
What you like about it: What you don’t like about it:

4 Group Activity:Look at the magazine …
Analysize the layout List the order and layout of magazine What was included?

5 What I need to include: A Cover Page: Title, Image, Date of Issue…
Publisher Information & Editor’s Page Table of Contents Articles Interviews Poetry Advertisements Cartoons

6 Class Discussion and Feedback:
How should I be marked? Let’s design a rubric! Questions for clarification Should we allow partners? How many items?

7 The Rubric Cover Page Table of Contents Editor’s Page Work Samples
Time Line for term 1 & 2

8 Steps on how to create a magazine
How to Design a Magazine for an End of Year School Project |

9 Dave’s Video: Headers and Footers
How to create a magazine

10 Cover Page Cover Page

11 Cover Pages

12 Group Activity Choose 1 image Create a title for the magazine
List 3 articles that would be included in this magazine

13 Editor’s Page What is it?
Letter to the editor…why is that item important …or not?

14 Table of Contents


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