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Copy and complete the conversions of units below: Recall: 1m=100cm; 1cm=10mm; 1km=1000m; 1g=1000mg; 1kg=1000g 455mm = ____cm 930m = _____km 2590mm.

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Presentation on theme: "Copy and complete the conversions of units below: Recall: 1m=100cm; 1cm=10mm; 1km=1000m; 1g=1000mg; 1kg=1000g 455mm = ____cm 930m = _____km 2590mm."— Presentation transcript:


2 Copy and complete the conversions of units below: Recall: 1m=100cm; 1cm=10mm; 1km=1000m; 1g=1000mg; 1kg=1000g 455mm = ____cm 930m = _____km 2590mm = _____ cm 0.92m = _____cm 1.63m=______mm 830g = _____kg 71.5g = _____mg 921mL = _____L 2780mm=_______m 40mm = ____cm 7000m = _____km 5000mm=______m 720mm = ______ cm 2m= _______mm 3500g = _____kg 19g = _____mg 3850mL = _____L

3 Sheep in the Paddock Farmer Harold has 3 paddocks (shown below)
Sheep in the Paddock Farmer Harold has 3 paddocks (shown below). He wants to know whether he can shepherd 368 sheep in these paddocks. Each sheep requires 8m2 of grass to graze on. Does Farmer Harold have enough land? Triangle A=½bh =½×13×14 =91m2 Parallelogram A=bh =90m×21m =1890m2 Rectangle A=bh =25m×90m =2250m2 Total area = =4231m2 368sheep ×8m2 = 2944m2 = area of paddock the sheep need. Yes, he does have enough room. 13m 21m 14m 25m 90m

4 Investigate: There are 8 lanes at 800mm width
Investigate: There are 8 lanes at 800mm width. This athletics track is 400m total in one lap. Calculate the Area of the track; the area of grass in the middle of the track 12cm 100m 9cm 3cm 6cm 7cm

5 12cm 9cm 3cm 6cm 7cm

6 Investigate: There are 8 lanes at 800mm width
Investigate: There are 8 lanes at 800mm width. This athletics track is 400m total in one lap. Calculate the Area of the track; the area of grass in the middle of the track 100m

7 Activity Find 3 objects around the room and taking measurements, calculate the area of the surface of the object.

8 Do Now (in any order): Mr Brown question Diagonal ratios investigation
Mr Brown has a large piece of canvas with an area of 2.2m2. He decides to cut the canvas into five smaller canvases each with an area of 4135cm2. Does Mr Brown have enough canvas to make the five smaller canvases? Do Now (in any order): Mr Brown question Diagonal ratios investigation Paper Cut-Outs investigation Athletics track problem Remember to RECORD your thoughts, ideas as you progress through the activity

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