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YERUN Research Mobility Fund Working Group

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2 YERUN Research Mobility Fund Working Group

3 Members of the WG Antwerp University Brunel University London
Konstanz University Maastricht University University of Bremen Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Universidad Autonoma de Madrid University of Eastern Finland University of Essex Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

4 Timeline General Assembly, Konstanz October 2016
Mandate to the Executive Board to create a Working Group to develop a YERUN Research Mobility Fund, within its Research Collaboration Strategic Action Executive Board December 2016 Creation of a Working Group composed of representatives from the (5) institutions in the Executive Board In charged to discuss a potential Research Mobility Fund to promote collaboration in research General Assembly, Madrid April 2017 Working Group composition expanded to include representatives from 10 universities WG meetings in Brussels February 6, 2017 and June 9, 2017 Procedures for the implementation of actions supported by the Research Mobility Fund

5 YERUN Research Workshops
Document: Annex 4.2 Two workshops per year January/February and June-September Lasting between one and two days Funding: 10 K euros per workshop as a lump-sum for the host institution Guidelines for organizers: At least three institutions promoting each workshop: host institution and two supporting ones Focused on topics related to YERUN research priorities Approximately attendants per workshop

6 YERUN Research Workshops (2)
Call for applications in October For workshops taking place in Selection criteria: Promote research collaboration with social and/or economic impact Within the scope of EU Research and Innovation Programmes Focusing on areas identified as research priorities by YERUN A first workshop to take place in January 25-26, 2018 Document: Annex 4.4 Organized by Essex University with support from Tor Vergata and Carlos III Topic: Big Data, Data Analytics and the Digital Economy

7 YERUN Research Mobility Awards
Document: Annex 4.3 Covering mobility between YERUN members in different countries Length of stay: one to two weeks Funding: flat rate award of 1000 euros (one week) to 1500 euros (two weeks) Total budget: up to 15K euros/year 10 awards per year Selection procedure Two calls for applications launched in April and November Criteria: Likelihood of significant outcomes - potential long-term benefits for YERUN Balance of disciplines and inter-disciplinarity across the awards Commitment from YERUN host - encouraging new collaboration links

8 Topics from working group meeting
Activities proposed and pending approval Ensure simplicity of procedures Openness in the calls to encourage participation Mobility grants: Role of the sending institution – Simple statement Availability of additional funding – Statement from candidate Limitations to the number of applications by university – No

9 Topics from working group meeting
Activities proposed and pending approval (ii) Workshops Difficulties detected regarding the flow of information Increase the relevance of the YERUN Web site Advance dissemination of information On interests and on opportunities (related H2020 calls) Activities with impact on other workgroups Use the workshops to explore collaboration opportunities for joint Master/PhD programs

10 Topics from working group meeting
Future actions and improvements Proposal to review the YERUN research priorities Some priorities might be refined or added Explore the possibility of having more than 2 workshops per year One workshop per year and per research priority? Pending issues: Definition of scope and structure of high-profile research conferences

11 Thank you

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