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Purposeful Gamification

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1 Purposeful Gamification

2 Business Perspectives
Business Scenario Scenario 1 – Idea Crowdsourcing Getting response to the Corporate requests for contributing Ideas for resolving specific problem(s) always is a challenge. Lack of contribution leaves enterprise with very less alternatives in choosing the right idea for a problem to solve, also the quality of the shared ideas does not reach the peak until plenty of strong ideas arrive. Organization suffers in Innovation front resulting poor performance in business. Scenario 2 – Employee Wellness Awareness to Wellness information (generic and specific for that timeframe) followed by compliance to those can result a healthy family life of workforce members. This ensures less sick leaves in the organization and eventually saves a lot of work hours when cumulatively considered the same of all employees. Challenge is employees are often unaware or even if aware, reluctant to comply to various latest wellness measures, resulting a big loss in productivity. Resolutions Offered Contribution on Idea Portal helps users earning points ensuring more volume of Idea inputs Every ‘Like’ on any Idea earns points for the contributor of that Idea resulting high Quality of the Idea Rolled up individual scores produces Leaderboard and based of preset thresholds individuals earn Medallions and rewards Participating in Awareness and Compliance Survey where Levels of Fulfilment will decide the points awarded to the individuals, this will help in increasing the awareness and compliance Mood Board at any point both at individual as well as group level gives the positioning of the same with respect to entire enterprise which will help in motivating people to be well causing low sick leaves

3 Flow View Idea Crowdsourcing Employee Wellness Outbreak of Disease
Launch of Survey Awareness Compliance Individual level Scoring Leaderboard based Rewards Motivated Workforce Reduced Sick Leave Improved Productivity New Problem Launch of Idea Threads For Contribution For receiving good Feedback Improved Idea Crowdsourcing Idea Contribution Faster Resolution

4 Technical Perspectives
Architecture Software and Tools SharePoint or Yammer or any other Dot Net Portal Badgeville Gamification Platform Badgeville Connectors for SharePoint or Yammer Dot Net 4.5 Output Format SharePoint App when hosted on SharePoint Application pages when hosted on other platforms

5 Snapshot

6 Thank You

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